Chapter Sixteen

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My breathing was ragged as Stiles and I ran towards the school, where Kate had taken baby Derek according to Scott, Malia and Peter. We slowed to a stop as Lydia caught up with us, trying to figure out where in the school were they.

"We seriously need to find something better than a baseball bat." She said through her teeth.

The sound of an explosion took any words that I might've said, right out of my mouth. Wispy white smoke and flashing light came from the front of the school and we took off immediately.

In a matter of minutes we reached the 'Beacon Hills High School' sign that had half-turned revealing steps into an underground bunker. Stiles and Lydia exchanged a hesitant look but I was allready charging down the steep steps.

A man was crouched infront of an open vault and when his voice reached my ears, I knew exactly who it was.

"It was never about the triskelion." Peter mumbled.

"They took it.... they took it while I was blinded." He continued.

We walked approached him carefully.

"Took what?" Lydia's voice echoed through what I know recognized as the Hale Vault.

Peter rose to his feet.

"Bonds." He growled and turned to face us.

"Bearer Bonds and they took them all." He elaborated.

"Bearer Bonds? Wait, are you saying you got robbed?" Stiles asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"It was a heist! Somebody planned this!" Peter yelled angrily.

"How much did they take?" I asked curiously.

"117." Peter grumbled.

"Thousand?" Stiles gaped.

Peter put his back to us.



I barely got a wink of sleep that night.

My mind was restless and my body followed suit. The events of my first official day at Beacon Hills high school were nothing that I ever could have imagined.

I couldn't understand how little boring me had suddenly been catapaulted into this shitstorm of a life.

I loved it and hated it and I can't understand how those two can go hand in hand.

I woke up late and flew into some clothes and completely bypassed breakfast. My Dad had taken the nightshift at the station and was fast asleep in bed so I was careful not to wake him.

Slipping into my jacket and grabbing my messenger bag I ran out the soor and came face to face with a cheeky smile.


He was leaning against his battered blue jeep, wearing a typical flannel and his trademark grin.

"This is completely pointless as I have a car and now we're both going to be late." I called out to him.

That just made him grin wider. He opened the passenger door.

"Get in, Luce." He replied and I warmed.

I tried to huff and pretend I was annoyed but there was a reason I failed 8th Grade Drama. I hopped into the car and we took off towards the high school at a speed that was well over the limit.

I hummed along to the radio as we slipped into a comefortable silence. The warm wind tossled my dark hair and woke me up considerably.

At the speed we were going it didn't take long to reach the high school and when Stiles parked the car, I moved to get out but he stopped me by placing a warm hand on my arm.

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