Chapter 1

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                                                         Mikey's POV

I want to add a note here that in this story Karai is Shredders daughter by blood and not Splinters. Also Splinter and Shredder were best friend in the past and not brothers trust me on this one it works better ;)


Midnight, the perfect time for a ninja to do some training and to have some fun, or should I say a ninja turtle. Yep that's right me and my brothers Leo, Raph and Donnie are out on a night time training session with our friend April (she's a human by the way). It was a normal training session at least that's what it started out as until we all started to hear things in the distance.

''Hey dudes do you hear that? Please tell me it is not just me who is hearing that?'' I said turning to my bros and April as we all stopped running and jumping and stood quiet for a moment to listen into the silence of the night.

''Your right Mikey I hear it too'' said April

''I think we all hear it, it sounds like there is a fight going on up ahead'' said Donnie he said starting to look concerned (Donnie is my favorite brother by the way we click better and are closer than my other bros, sure I love them loads too but Don just seems to get me bro, even if I get on his nerves XD)

''Alright we all agree we hear fighting going on so lets go and check it out, without  getting involved in it'' said Leo and I think we could all tell the last part was aimed at Raph as he was so hotheaded he would so get involved in any fight even if it had nothing to do with him.

We all jumped over a couple more roof tops then hid behind the roofs ledge, we looked over to the next rooftop we saw two girls that looked the same age as us go at each other fiercely their katana's blades reflecting the light of the moon, showing how sharp they were. 

''Guys am I the only one that recognises the one with black hair, isn't that......'' Raph started looking over at Leo who looked down to the girls his face scrunching up in confusion and anguish from the past.

''Karai? What is she doing here and why is she fighting that other girl? Donnie, any ideas about what is going on?...........uhh Donnie?'' said Leo. I looked beside me to my bro he seemed transfixed on Karai and the other girl fighting on the next roof over, he looked like he did whenever he saw April, but this time it was like he couldn't hear us I gently punched his shoulder and he looked over at me slightly startled.

''Huh? What? Oh sorry um I dunno honestly but it seems they know each other well but hate each other despite that, either that or its an extremely harsh training session? but I'd go more for the fact that they know but hate each other'' said Donnie as he regained his composure and analysed the situation.

We decided we would watch silently and not get involved to see what would happen, Karai seemed to be on constant offence whilst the  other girl was on defence managing to block the harsh, fast blows coming from Karai. Honestly it was impressive the only one I've seen defend that well from Karai was Leo and even at that he couldn't keep it up for as long as this girl was.

Eventually they pulled back slightly, Karai staring daggers at her worn out opponent, they ran at each other and crossed over their katana striking each other.

We all held our breath afraid to see the outcome.

Karai stood up straight and looked back at her opponent as she staggered slightly (Karai seemed to be a split second faster), resorting to her katana for balance, she looked terrible even from this distance, okay I might not have a big brain like Donnie or great observation skills like Leo but even I could tell that she was exhausted and hanging onto the very edge of consciousness.

''Pathetic, your weak and pathetic that will never change, I don't know why you even bother trying anymore'' said Karai re-sheathing her katana staring at her weak opponent smirking, I flinched and looked over at my bros and April they seemed to think the same thing, she was pure evil no doubt about it, like she had no honor just like her father, the shredder.

As Karai walked away, Donnie jumped down to the other girl struggling to keep her balance, I followed after him as the others stayed on the roof for lookout.

''Hey are you okay?'' said Donnie in a calm but concerned tone but as we came up behind her she suddenly fell backwards (her katana clattering at my feet), luckily Donnie caught her before she hit the ground.

''She's lost consciousness, we have to get her back to the lair now! I have to treat her'' as he said this he picked her up and I saw panic flash over his face I nodded at him and picked up her katana then we all took her back to the lair before anything else could happen to her.

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