Chapter 7

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                                                                 Melody's POV

 ''Leo i'm telling you this is a really bad idea, you can't just have her go off alone during patrol its too soon and dangerous. The shredder will still be after her!'' Donnie shouts, for some reason Leo and Donnie had been arguing for the past 10 minuets about something. I was called by master Splinter, he had asked me over some herbal tea, to ask if I was up to going out on patrol with the guys that night which of course I agreed to, I wanted to help the guys out as much as I could. After all they did save me and give me a safe place to live and train.

''Sensei? Maybe I should go out there and cool off the argument, otherwise we are going to be late to leave for patrol'' I said placing my cup in front of me and looking up at master Splinter,

''yes my child perhaps that would be a good idea'' he replied, we bowed to each other as I stood up and left his room. As soon as I had left I saw Raph and Mikey at the entrance of the lair looking impatient, watching Donnie and Leo argue about what I was guessing the pairings for patrol.

''Guys what's going on? Why are you both arguing? Its not like you guys your normally so close and make good decisions together '' I said walking over to them and making sure my katana was firmly strapped onto my waist, Donnie looked over to me and explained that Leo wanted me to go alone whilst Raph and Mikey pair up and Leo and himself pair up for the patrol that night.

''I've been trying to tell him it is way too dangerous and..........'' but before he can finish I place a finger over his lips and smile up at him,

''Leo's right Donnie, its more logical for me to go by my myself I mean think about it, I can hold off Shredders lackeys for way longer than all of you put together, and because of that it means I will be able to call you guys on the T-phone for back up, with more success. Trust me Donnie I'll be fine and I'll have you on speed dial the whole time so it will be okay'' I say calmly and quietly.

Seeing that I was willing and that I had made a good point Donnie sighed in defeat and looked down at me, I nodded my head and smiled at him gently. He nodded back returning my smile as we made our way over to where the other guys where.

''FINALLY! Can we go now..........PLEASE!?'' Raph half yelled, then we all left the lair and headed topside and hit the rooftops, confirming our teams, rendezvous point and time. Once we were all agreed we went our separate ways to scour the city for any criminal activity.

                                                       30 minuets later

''Okay well everything seems normal in this part of the city..... Its almost time I should start heading to the rendezvous point'' I said quietly checking the time on my T-phone, suddenly I saw two shadows on the opposite building caught my eye and their voices sounded very................familiar.

I quietly made my way over and shrouded myself in the shadows, close enough to hear and see them but not too close so they would spot me.

''We have to catch her now, if not the master will surely punish us all severely,'' a gruff voice said crossing his arms looking down at the other person.

''Ya think I don't know that, Tigerclaw father will kill us if we don't return with my pathetic excuse for a younger sister!'' I gasped at the voice and stepped back pulling out my T-phone and clicking my speed dial to call Donnie and the others, I was already late so they would know something was wrong.

''Karai did you hear that, sniff sniff, we are not alone!'' Tigerclaw said as both he and Karai drew their weapons and walked round opposite sides of my hiding place 'Come on Donnie pick up, Pick up!' I thought to myself as I started to panic.

''Melody? Are you okay your not here?'' I hear Donnie say through the receiver,

''Donnie, I need you guys' help i'm......'' I started to whisper but soon I felt myself be tackled off my feet and onto my back I had dropped my T-phone, luckily I had pulled out my katana in time to stop the strike from cutting my face off.

''Melody!? Melody what's going on I heard weapons clashing, Melody!'' I heard Donnie shout over the receiver as well as the other guys starting to panic about all the commotion,

''Arrrg, Karai, I swear I don't care if you are my sister I......will.......kill you!'' I screamed as I pushed upwards and flipped her over my head, she looked surprised but that soon turned into an evil smirk as she took stance. What I hadn't calculated was that Tigerclaw had assembled the footbots to encircle me, 'just great Melody another fine mess you've gotten yourself into' I thought as I looked around me.

 ''Sorry sis but it looks like...............checkmate!'' Karai sneered, I gritted my teeth and without thinking I charged towards her, unfortunately I had to dismantle about 50 footbots before I got to her tiring me out slightly but not calming my rage towards my so called sister, and luckily they were just weak as ever.

However Karai's skill and power had increased drastically so even all the training I had done was not enough to keep up with her, damn it I need to get rid of this witch once and for all! After a few minuets of back and forth she stood in front of me, we were both out of breath but she started to smirk at me.

''What the hell are you smirking at you witch!'' I shouted as i tightened the grip on my katana and glaring into her yellow eyes, she just laugher at me,

''oh nothing, dear sister your back'' as soon as she said this I felt a searing pain like fire strike me on the back, I screamed and fell to my knees as my katana was taken by the one who struck me........Tigerclaw! I started to breath heavily I had already pushed my limits, this was getting far too much, I was paralyzed I couldn't move all I could do was sit there whilst Karai approached me her sword held above her head.

''Father said he wanted you back home alive...................or dead, honestly he emphasized the dead part so I think that is what we will go for here. DIE!!!!!!!!'' she screamed as she swung her sword down I squeezed my eyes shut and looked away, I was going to die here and there was nothing I could do about it. All I could scream was my last word...........


Ooooh Cliffhanger haha sorry it took a while to get this chapter out but I think you guys are going to agree it was worth the wait. By the way guys..........THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR 100+ READS...... ehem sorry over excited but really thank you it makes me soo happy to see you guys are enjoying it so far and don't worry I'll get to work on the next chapter as soon as I have time soooo see you next chapter. Later ma Chika's  -E xxxxxxxxx

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