Chapter 8

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                                                              Donnie's POV

After hearing Melody's T-phone clatter to the ground and hearing her and Karai's weapons clashing, I knew something was up. I looked to my brothers who all looked concerned. I started to run toward the signal her T-phone was transmitting my brothers all following close behind me.

''DONNIE!!!'' someone screamed, it was Melody. I started to run faster when I saw them, Melody was on the ground her katana in the hands of Tigerclaw. She looked helpless like she had given up all hope as Karai started to bring her sword down to strike her,

''NO'' I shouted as I jumped in front of the blow just in time deflecting Karai's sword with my Bo-staff spinning in front of me. I took the opportunity of Karai being stunned to kick her in the stomach sending her flying into Tigerclaw causing them  both to tumble to the ground and Melody's katana to fall away from them, my brothers soon surrounded them and finished them off causing them to withdraw the remaining foot bots and retreat.

I threw my Bo-staff to the side and ran over to Melody pulling her into my plastron, holding her tight as tears started to swell in my eyes,

''I..... I thought I had lost you, Melody i'm sorry I should of got here sooner. Your too important to me I can't loose you, I don't know why but everytime I see you my heart races a mile a minuet. Your strong, your smart and your..... well beautiful'' I said to her tears slowly sliding down my now red cheeks, she slowly raised her head, eyes wide and a rose blush creeping onto her face.

''Donnie....I'' she started weakly but I interrupted her quickly, I knew my brothers were standing behind me watching us and listening to every word I was saying but I didn't care, all I could do was focus on Melody and my own words, nothing else in the world mattered right now. To tell the truth I was talking with Leo whilst on patrol and I realised my feelings for this girl, with the help from my eldest brother obviously.


''Donnie, hey bro talk to me I know somethings on your mind. Back there it was strange normally you never go against my plans or orders that strongly, talk to me bro......please?'' Leo said as we stopped for a short break and sat on the edge of the rooftop we were on. I sighed and turned toi him as he sat down beside me,

''It's Melody, I don't know what's wrong with me I feel like, like I need to protect her like she's special, one of a kind......someone I don't want to let go of ever'' I said slowly looking over the sleepy New York city as I heard my brother sigh with a slight smile on his face.

''Sounds like you have another case of 'April fever' only with Melody and not April'' he said but as soon as I heard April's name I realised something, my feelings I felt nothing........ when I heard her name I normally can't stop thinking about her but not anymore I feel nothing for her in that way anymore instead when I heard Melody's name my heart raced but it wasn't the same as when I had liked April.

''No Leo, this is different I don't just think of Melody as sweet and pretty like I did April'' I say as my mind started to fill with thoughts of the Kunoichi,

''okay well what do you think of her and what do you feel when you are around her?'' He asked me, I thought for a second before speaking again.

''She's amazing, she's so smart and talented and strong. She has those beautiful violet eyes that look like amethysts sparkling on the most beautiful pendent, when I look into those eyes I cant tear my eyes away. She's tough, yet fragile I don't want to hurt her, I fear that if I do she will break like china, I can't stop thinking about her Leo'' I said looking over to my brother he was smiling brightly, yet gently at me. I tilted my head in slight confusion.

''Donnie this is not a simple crush, you my dear brother have fallen madly in love, you have to tell her how you feel as soon as you see her. If you hold back you will loose her like you did with April, she's the one bro I can feel it she is so much better for you than April ever would have been'' I smiled and nodded. I trust Leo and I will do it I will tell her as soon as I get the chance, hopefully she will become my beautiful angel.''

                                                                      (Flashback End)

''D....Donnie?'' I hear Melody say weakly, pulling me away from my thoughts, Leo was right I had to tell her now, I can't I won't loose her.

I look down to her and hold her closer to me,

''Melody, you make me feel happy just being around you, I can't loose you and I don't want to loose you'' I start she looks into my eyes blushing more ''Melody, I....I love you and I need to ask, will you be my special angel'' I ask, forcing myself to keep staring gently into her violet eyes. She teared up slightly as she was blushing even harder than me, if that was even possible.

                                                                       Melody's POV

'He loves me! He actually feels the same way I feel about him' I think to myself, I can see his brothers out of the corner of my eye, Raph's jaw had dropped in surprise, Mikey looked like a little girl out of anime he just looked like he wanted to scream 'kawii' and Leo he just smiled softly as if he knew that Donnie was going to ask me out.

''Donnie... I .... I love you too'' I say softly, but before I could say anything else, blackness consumed my vision and I collapsed.

                                                                               Leo's POV

I was right Melody had fallen in love with Donnie just like he had fallen in love with her, I was so proud of my little brother, but after Melody confessed her feelings she suddenly collapsed onto Donnie. His eyes widened as Mikey and Raph ran over to them as they started to panic too.

''Melody? Melody! please talk to me oh god no I can't loose you please!...........Leo!'' Donnie shouted holding the unconscious girl close to his chest tears streaming down his face, I walked over to him and place my hand on his shoulder smiling down to him to calm him down.

''Donnie its okay look'' I said calmly pointing to her, her breathing was steady and gentle and she had a small smile on her face, Donnie looked down at her then after a moment breathed a sigh of relief wiping away the stray tears on his face and looked up to me I just smiled before speaking again,

''See? She just passed out from exhaustion, she's tiered not hurt. Come on guys lets get back so we can all have a rest'' I say as my brothers all nod, Donnie picks up Melody bridal style and we all head back to the lair. The whole way Mikey screaming things like 'OMG' and 'SO CUTE' and 'KAWIIIIIIIIII!' in other words completely fan girling about his brother having a girlfriend.

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