Chapter 15

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                                                                              Donnie's POV

It's been almost 4 hours since Melody and April went out for there girls time, they said they would only be an hour or 2 at tops but they still haven't come back i'm getting really worried not just me but my brothers and sensei are too, what if they have run into danger.

''Arh, Melody still isn't picking up this is the 27th time I've called her this hour why isen't she picking up, she always picks up no matter what!'' I shout as I throw my T-phone across the room in anger and panic, Raph caught it so it didn't break then everyone looked at me then to each other, we were all worried but they knew it was killing me more than any of them.

'' GUYS, SENSEI!!!'' April screamed running in the lair, she instantly ran over to sensei and collapsed crying, he caught her and tried to calm her down whilst my brothers and I all walked over to her worried, but where was Melody where was my Angel.

''Now my child be calm and tell us what has happened. Where is Melody I thought you told me you both would be together tonight'' master Splinter asked calmly, April looked up at us tears still streaming down her face she looked really guilty for some reason.

''I'm sorry, it's my fault, its all my fault I let them, I was paralyzed with fear there was nothing I could do, i'm sorry please, please forgive me!!'' she cried harder and we all started to panic, what was she saying? What was her fault, who could she not stop, and doing what? The more I thought about it the more I had a bad feeling, Melody still wasn't back yet and April is this torn up.

''The foot appeared, with Karai and Tiger claw and... and...'' before she could finish another wave of tears over took her and she cried harder, sensei took another minuet to calm her down again.

'Wait the foot, Karai, Tiger claw. Melody, they didn't... oh no!' I thought to myself as I tried to call her once again, but April grabbed my phone off of me and looked into my eyes with her tear stained ones,

''Its no use Don, Shredder has her'' as she said this my worst fear and theory had just been proven, I felt myself fall. My brothers caught me and looked into my eyes telling me that everything would be okay and that we would think of a plan to save her,

''I promise D'' Leo said helping me regain my balance, I nodded as we all started to come up with a plan to rescue Melody, I tried my best to help but all I could think of were the horrors of my sweet angel getting beaten and tortured by Karai and Shredder, eventually we had come up with a plan my brothers and I grabbed out equipment and weapons and ran out of the lair towards Melody and the Shredder.

(Time skip brought to you by 'mmmm pizza shake' -if you know what episode this is from you are awesome!-)

We were outside the Shredders lair going over the plan a final time Leo and Raph would go in first and ensure everything was clear I would go in after and look for Melody and Mikey would stay on top of the building and informing us if anything was off and April and Sensei were back at they lair for medical support, soon after that we started to execute out rescue plan.

After getting the all clear from Raph and Leo I entered and ran as fast as I could I had an idea of where I was going too but I had to keep hiding in the shadows as foot bots kept passing. Suddenly I heard and ear splitting scream, I knew exactly who that belonged to and it made me feel sick hearing it as I ran straight to the site of the scream.

''Melody!'' I said to myself, I hid in the shadows when I heard another scream in the very next room, just as I thought the dungeons. I heard a voice that was not Melody's it was, Tiger claw. I stealthily entered the room so no one would hear or see me and waited for my chance. I looked over and saw Tiger claw hold a dagger to something red and that made me feel unsettled for some reason.

''Tell us where to find the turtles, you stubborn leopard and I will spare your pathetic excuse of a life. Master Shredder doesn't care either way personally'' he said sounding rather annoyed as if he would have got more information from a brick wall I was about to attack right there and then. However the voice that replied made me stop in my tracks, my heart racing with fear and anxiety.

''You...are a cowered... I have told you everytime you came in here...that you will get nothing from me about them... you would sooner kill me than hear me utter a word of their residence.. do your worst you cowardly kitty cat! Oh and for the record it SNOW leopard'' Melody's voice was weak and strained as she snarled back I could tell she was smirking, trying to hold in all the pain.

''YOU!'' Tiger claw yelled ass he dragged the dagger through the red thing that it was pressed against, the scream that followed was hair raising and my tears instantly widened and filled with tears, I grabbed my bo-staff and instantly knocked out Tiger claw in one hit. I looked over and saw....Melody?! Her once pearl white fur was now a deep crimson red, her arms were tied above her tightly the ropes cutting into her skin, she was battered and bruised and had cuts all over her. Her breathing was heavy, she was violently shaking and sweating and her once vibrant violet eyes that were always filled with happiness and determination were now a stale deep grey, she looked exhausted like she would pass out any second.

I grabbed a knife and ran over to her, cutting the ropes binding her making her fall into my plastron. She looked up ever so slightly like it hurt to raise her head,

''D...Donnie?'' she whispered her voice weak, I held her close to me gentle not to hurt her and carefully stroked her once soft fur, it was now all matted and tangled mixed with dirt and dried blood. I noticed a large scar on her back, 'Razhar' I thought. I lifted her gently to her feet and wrapped her in another gentle hug, she was unsteady on her feet but leaned against me.

Suddenly she looked behind me her eyes widening in panic and fear,

''Donnie, LOOK OUT!'' she managed to shout, at that point everything was in slow motion, she used all of her energy and pushed me to the side. I fell to the ground but turned round in a panic at what had just happened and what I saw broke my heart in two, my eyes spilled over into rivers and I felt like my life had just been destroyed.


Cliff hanger, I know you guys probably hate me know but find out what happened in the next chapter. see you then. Later ma Chika's! -E xxxxxxx

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