Chapter 16

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                                                                    Donnie's POV

''MELODY! NOOO!'' I screamed as I turned around. Melody had saved me... saved me from Karai, as I looked over Karai had impaled her sword deep into Melody's stomach. My eyes burned with flames as I ran and knocked out Karai throwing her and Tiger claw into a cell, when I turned around Melody was staring at me with tears flowing down her cheeks. She looked down to the sword and slowly wrapped a shaking paw around the hilt, after a deep breath she closed her eyes and yanked the sword out of her, throwing it to the side with a gasp of pain.

She slowly looked up to me a smiled slightly, tears still running down her cheeks,

''Donnie...ah I'll always love you, you know that right?'' as she said this smiling as she fell forwards, I ran and caught her, her eyes were closed and I started to panic. I frantically looked for a pulse any thing to prove she wasn't dead and to my relief I saw she was still breathing, her breaths were short and shallow, but she was still alive. I instantly found something to put pressure on her wound and picked her up bridal style, I ran out of Shredders lair and up to the spot where my brothers an I had agreed to meet.

''Please hang in there Melody I promise, I will not loose you the you can tell me you will always love me!''

I get up to the rooftops where the guys look relieved but as soon as they see that I am crying, they look at Melody as soon as they see how hurt she is their faces flash with panic.

''We have to get back to the lair now! Donnie as soon as we get back April and sensei will tend to her, your having a mental break down and that will make you feel worse'' I look to my older brother through my tears, shaking I nod my head and we all run back to the lair as fast as we can. The whole way their my brothers comforted me and Melody with their words.

                                                                            Back at the lair

We all run into the lair as soon as we do sensei and April run up to us, seeing Melody's April covered her mouth with her hands but forced herself not to cry as she ran into the lab, setting up the equipment and tools, sensei instantly takes Melody from me and hurries to the lab closing the door behind him. I stare at the door for a few minuets in tears, I felt helpless, pathetic I couldn't do anything for my girlfriend without falling into another breakdown.

Tears spill from my eyes as I fall to the ground, I didn't care if I got made fun of I just wanted... no I needed to cry I was so scared I was gonna loose my precious girlfriend and all because she saved me. Leo kneeled down beside me and placed his arm around my shoulder, allowing me to turn and cry into his shoulder. Raph and Mikey soon joined in on the hug.

''Its okay Donnie, let it all out we're here for you. I promise Melody will pull through this and you will too, we will make sure of it'' Leo said quietly pulling me closer, my other brothers did the same and I cried for a good half an hour wrapped up in  my brothers caring arms.

After a while I had stopped crying, I was still panicking but I did my best to not have a third mental breakdown, I began to tell my brothers what I saw, how Tiger claw was torturing her, how she was smirking and being logical despite all the pain she was going through, how she had saved me from Karai and got impaled.

''She's stronger than me to still act tough and stand up to Tiger claw despite all she had been through, she even saved me despite being that hurt'' I said as tears spilled from my eyes again, I wiped them away quickly as Leo placed his hand on my shoulder smiling slightly,

''exactly she is strong, she will pull through this. She is not going to die here I can tell'' Leo spoke softly

''Yeah, she ain't gonna like the fact that your doubting her, she might even give you a good wallop when she wakes up'' Raph said making me chuckle slightly at the thought, Melody probably would though that's what made it funny.

''Yeah bro she isn't just gonna save your life like that, tell you she will always love you and then go and die on you. That would just be unfair and rude!'' Mikey said starting to pout Raph, Leo and I started to laugh,

''Thanks guys, your right Melody has always had faith and belief in me so I owe her the same. And thanks for cheering me up I have the best brothers ever'' I said pulling them all into a tight hug. After that Raph suggested we all get some sleep he would stay awake and let us know if sensei and April come out. We hesitantly and head to bed, it was strange sleeping alone normally Melody would be snuggled up beside me her soft fur keeping us both warm. I thought of my girlfriend as I slipped into darkness.

Hope that you don't hate me for the cliff hanger lol coz I hated myself that's why I wrote this straight after the last one, I hope Melody makes it poor Donnie will be torn up if she doesn't but you will have to wait for the next chapter to find out. Also anyone excited for the new TMNT movie coming out on the 30th of this month? I am psyched can't wait to see it. Anywho Later ma Chika's! -E xxxxxxxxx

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