Chapter 18

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Melody's POV

I have been bedridden for the past 2 weeks due to my injuries and wounds, Donnie hasn't been letting me do anything on my own. He feeds me, helps me walk, he even gives me sponge baths to help my wounds and to help my fur return to normal.

Don't get me wrong i'm not complaining but I feel caged I just want to get back to training and help the guys with patrol like old times. That's another thing Donnie has been skipping patrol to stay by my side and I love him for it just wish he wouldn't stress over me too much I don't want him falling sick because of me.

Finally after 2 weeks sensei is allowing me to begin training to build my physical strength once again, however I am to train with sensei only as I am a lot weaker than I was a couple weeks ago. Its probably the only time Donnie isn't with me, at least I know the guys take care of him during my training sessions.

''ARRHH! I QUIT, I CAN'T DO THIS'' I shout as I throw my katana across the room and walk over to the corner of the room sliding down the wall and shutting my eyes trying to calm down, sensei looked over to me with a sad look before heading to pick up my katana and handing it to me.

''Be calm my child, take as much time as you need but do not forget to rest'' he said before leaving the dojo, probably to tell Donnie to help me calm down, I love Donnie I do but I just want not fail in training anymore I want to be normal, I have a scar on my back from Razhar but I got over that a week ago.

I picked up my katana and walked to the middle of the dojo, I was not resting until I was back to normal. I started to swing my katana harder and harder, faster and faster until I was swinging out of complete anger, fear and pain. I couldn't get the thoughts, the feelings of being tortured out of my mind. Every time I swung I imagined my sister and fathers no! Karai and Shredders faces in front of me. I lost control.

Suddenly I felt myself being wrapped up by something warm, I knew it was Donnie I knew what I was doing but I couldn't control my body anymore it was like my anger took me over and I could no longer control my conscience, I pulled away fiercely and swung at him.

                                                                            Donnie's POV

 I was told by master Splinter that I might have to try to talk to Melody as she was having trouble with training again. I knew she was sick of me sticking to her every second of the day but I was worried I needed to ensure she was safe but I had decided to try give her some space from now on since she was well to train again. I walked into the dojo but when I saw Melody I was shocked, she looked angry, afraid and in pain. Mental pain. This wasn't like her I wrapped her up in my arms but what she did next honestly scared me.

She forced herself out of my arms and swung her katana at me as if I were an enemy, I blocked with my bo-staff and looked into her eyes, pleading with her she kicked me and I went flying into the wall winding me. She walked up to me and raised he katana above her head, her eyes burning white.

''Melody...please its me Donnie'' I whispered, I saw as her eyes returned to the normal violet colour from their previous white. Whe she saw me her eyes widened and she dropped her katana stepping back away from me tears filling in her eyes.

''Donnie... I.. I am so sorry I'' she whispered as she ran out of the dojo and to our room crying.

''Donatello what happened!'' sensei shouted as he ran in to see me on the ground, he helped me up as I had explained what happed. I was about to run after her when sensei stopped me he looked into my eyes and I knew what he meant, she needed space I nodded my head and walked to the lab. I'd give her a couple of hours before I go to talk to her.

                                                                      2 hours later   

                                                                      Melody's POV

'I almost hurt him, I almost hurt Donnie. ARH my temper has been getting the better of me lately I need to....' my train of thought was interrupted by a knock at the door, Donnie walked in and closed the door behind him walking up to me and sitting down beside me.

''Donnie... I.. if you want to break up with me I'' I began tears spilling down my face but before I could finish he pulled me into a tight hug and began to gently stroke my fur, I cuddled up to him as he lifted me onto his lap and smiled down at me.

''That will never happen angel, I know training has been hard and I've been annoying you not leaving you be, but. Well if you want help with training don't be afraid to ask and if you want some alone time tell me'' I look up at him as he softly wipes away my tears,

''I'm not annoyed by you, I love how you want to be with me all the time. Sure I need some alone time sometimes but I love you and I want to be around you, you make me feel safe, I need you. I would love you to help me train, I've been struggling alone for too long and well you saw, I couldn't control my actions. Please Donnie help me train'' I asked looking deep into his rustic red eyes.

His eyes soften as he lifts me up and lies down under the covers holding me close to him. He was on his back and I was lying on the front of his plastron. I knew what he meant we needed to rest I smiled at his concern and gave him a quick kiss, then snuggled into the crook of his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist as we both fell in to a comforting sleep.

I had a feeling things would be returning to normal soon, and that was what I had been anticipating for a long time now.

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