Chapter 13

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                                                                         Melody's POV

I'm in the lab with Donnie, we decided that maybe we should work on upgrades for the turtle mech so it has more defensive capabilities and even some speed and stealth capabilities too. Problem is they were really complicated, me and Donnie worked for hours to get the schematics right but when we did we  notice how complicated they were but started to work on them anyway, we had to and we 'nerds' don't give up that easily.

It was getting late now, patrol was already over but Donnie and I didn't go, it was lucky the other guys and sensei understood and let us stay in the lab.

''Hey how's the wielding coming up there Mel?'' Donnie shouted up over the wielding torch, checking the plans for the fiftieth time, and it really was I was counting. I placed the wielding goggles on top of my head and turned off the torch to look down at him.

''Okay I guess I think i'm almost done this part, but there is still a lot to do'' I stated, stretching my arms out and yawning, showing my fangs as I did. I was stiff from being in the lab all day and not going out on patrol but Donnie needed me here, plus he would refuse to get any sleep if I wasn't here. We also worked faster together no matter what it was we do like HCI and MG (Hydronium acid and Magnesium) working together in perfect harmony.

We got back to work but soon I heard someone shouting hi to us, Donnie couldn't hear it over the wielding torch but my ears were sensitive so I picked up on it. I turned of the torch and looked over to the lab door as I lifted the goggles onto my head. April was standing there waving at us,

''Hey Donnie hey Melody!'' she shouted excitedly, as we waved back I jumped off the turtle mech where Donnie caught me and placed me down next to him as April walked over beside us.

''Hey April what's up?'' Donnie asked turning to her smiling. She shrugged her shoulders and turned to me taking hold of my paws, surprising me slightly.

''Nothing much I was just wondering if you wanted to come up top for some girl time, Mel we can go roof jumping and talk know girl stuff'' she said smiling and giggling slightly, the last part made me giggle slightly too, I knew she wanted to talk about boys aka, Donnie and Casey. Donnie looked at me confused as we were giggling.

''I do need to get some air, Donnie and I have been working on upgrades all day so it might be nice to go up top for an hour or two, I will have to check with sensei though'' I said as April started to drag me towards the door to the lab.

''No need I already asked sensei he said you could come since you missed patrol'' she giggled I laughed slightly, as she was dragging me out I turned back to Donnie smiling,

''see you in a couple hours D, please don't work too hard without me okay?'' I said in a matter of fact tone more than in asking tone, he just chuckled as he waved us both off.

''I promise, I'll take a break in five minuets and play some games with Mikey okay?'' he chuckled I smiled at him then nodded my head to Mikey as I was leaving, he seemed to get what I was getting at and instantly ran into the lab. A few minuets April and I were running, jumping and flipping from building to building whilst talking about our boyfriends.

Suddenly my ears picked up on a scream, April must have heard it too as she turned to me with a determined expression on her face. I nodded to her and we both instantly took off towards where the scream came from running faster with every moment that the scream got louder.

We stopped at the edge of a building and looked down into and alley, there was a little girl getting cornered by people or rather bots. It was Karai I didn't know what she was doing here and why she was attacking a young girl for no real reason but she was not getting away with it not if I had anything to do with it. I turned to April and quickly told her the plan.

''April listen, I'm going after Karai I'll hold them off long enough for the girl to run I want you to stay up here and make sure she gets out safe okay?'' she looked to me concerned,

''what but Mel....'' she started but I placed my paw on her shoulder and looked deep into her blue eyes a serious expression on my face,

''April we have no time to discuss this listen, if something happens to me run back to the lair and don't look back, get to the guys and tell them I need back up don't try to help me I can hold her off long enough for back up to come I know her fighting pattern I don't want you taking on someone and getting hurt protecting me, you just have to trust me on this one okay? Promise me'' I say sternly she looks into my eyes sadly but nods her head and kneels down as I grab my katana from my waist and jump of the building landing crouched in front of the girl my katana blocking one of the foot bot's strike on the scared girl.

I turned to her and told her to run home as fast as she could, she looked at me mouth wide but nodded her head and ran. I sliced the few foot bots in two then faced Karai with fire in my violet eyes. She looked slightly surprised when she saw me but after looking at me she smirked and readied her sword.

''Hello again, dear sister'' she said loudly smirking I tightened my grip on my katana, holding it with two paws in front of me glaring into my evil sisters yellow eyes.

''Karai'' I whispered annoyed, we ran at each other and fiercely swung at each other.

                                                                                       Aprils POV

I stood watching in fear as Melody and Karai fought fiercely trying to process the thought of sister. I didn't have long to think Karai had cornered Melody she sliced across her stomach not hard enough to draw a lot of blood but enough to knock her back into the wall. She was crouching holding her stomach winded, as Karai picked up her katana and throwing it to her.

Melody grabbed it and shakily stood up but before she could try and attack Tiger claw jumped down out of no where and held a cloth to Melody's face causing her to pass out, Tiger claw slung her over his shoulder as they ran back to their lair.

I hadn't ran to get help why? I was paralyzed with fear watching them kidnap my best friend but mostly from what Karai had said to Mel before she passed out.

''Father is going to punish you so bad you'll wish you were dead, and hey maybe he will grant that wish for you''

Tears fell down my cheeks as I snapped out of it and instantly ran back to the lair I couldn't waste anymore time than I already had, the guys and sensei are going to hate me. Its all my fault Melody got kidnapped and i'm not going to hide the truth from them.

Even if they never want to see me again.

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