Chapter 10

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                                                                         Donnie's POV

I left Melody at the entrance to my lab, she was still finding it hard to control her new body. I went out into the living room and I saw my brothers on the couch, Leo was watching space hero's, Mikey was playing a game on his T-phone and Raph was just reading one of his comics. I walked over to them and stood there until they spotted me, Leo saw me first and turned the volume on the TV down before the other guys looked at me too.

''Hey Don, was Melody okay? Leo asked me,

''guys we need to talk to you and Sensei, where is he?'' I asked Leo stood and walked over to the dojo, to get sensei and brought him back to the living room where my brothers sat down and sensei stood beside them, all looking at me with a hint of worry in their eyes.

''What is the matter Donatello and where is Melody?'' sensei asked me I took a breath and looked at each of them before continuing,

''Something happened to Melody, its nothing bad so don't worry but before we show you, you have to promise not to freak out or attack her okay?'' I say, they all give me a strange look before nodding their heads,

''okay Melody come on out!'' I shout to her.

''Uh Donnieee, a liiittle help!'' she shouts back, oh right she still hasn't got the hang of her new body yet, I walk over to the lab and reach my left hand to her,

''give me your paw'' I say gently as she does I wrap my other hand around her waist and hold her tightly to me to support her.

''Donnie, your so silly melody is a human, humans have hands not paw.........what the shell!'' Mikey starts but as soon as I pull Melody out of the lab and help here walk over to where everyone else was he stopped and just stared, jaw dropped Leo and even Raph's jaws had dropped as well. Melody just looked at them and blushed a little,

''hey guys'' she said shyly waving slightly, Leo regained his composer and walked over to us taking a careful look at her new form,

''what.... happened Melody'' Leo asked slightly shocked and impressed at the same time, the way my brothers were looking at her started to make me feel jealous, okay technically they didn't know we were dating yet, but still.

''Well what happened was.....Wooah!'' she started but before she could take a step forward she lost her balance and fell into me, bringing us both to the ground, her on top of me.

''Oh my gosh I am so sorry Donnie I just can't seem to get used to this body'' she said blushing slightly when she looked into my eyes, I smiled gently at her and placed my hand on her fluffy cheek,

''its okay angel, you'll get used to it soon enough you just need to focus and practice that's all'' as soon as I said that she smiled and cuddled into me as I lifted us both off of the ground, as soon as I looked up to my brothers they were wide eyed again. Mikey slapped his hands onto his cheeks and started to run around the room screaming 'SOOOO CUUUUUTTTTTEEE!', Raph just stared wide eyed and sat down before he fell over, Leo caught my eye and smiled nodding his head I nodded back smiling. Sensei walked over to us and placed his hand on Melody's shoulder who was still snuggled up to my plastron,

''Melody I hope my son keeps you happy and you him, but I do not think there will be an issue you both seem extreamly happy together, you both have my blessing'' he said with a gentle smile on his face, Melody and I looked at each other smiling widely, we had sensei's blessing, he had no idea how happy that made us now we could date freely, in the lair at least. Master Splinter extended his hand to Melody with a smile,

''now my daughter allow me to assist you in getting used to your new form, both fighting and in general, allow me to take your paw to help you to the dojo. Donatello my son tell your brothers how this happened I shall hear it from Leonardo later on'' Melody took his hand greatfuly as he helped her to the dojo she looked back and smiled at me before entering, I smiled and mouthed good luck to her, she nodded her head and closed the paper door.

I sat opposite my brothers and started to explain what had happened, at least I told Raph and Leo as Mikey was still running around like a moron.

''Okay you know a few hours ago when we helped Melody when she was ambushed by Karai and Tigerclaw and she collapsed in my arms well before...'' I started but I was soon interrupted by my younger brother,

''before she fell into your awaiting arms telling you how much she loved you, before allowing the bitter sweetness of darkness consume her!'' he stated in a dramatic voice placing the back of his hand on is forehead and falling back so he was lying upside down off the couch.

''.....A bit dramatic Mikey but okay we'll roll with that'' I said as Leo and Raph face palmed,

''anyway before THAT happened you know how Karai stuck something into her neck but she said she had only felt a scratch, well it turns out she had actually injected a small amount of mutagen into her blood stream and this mutagen had a small sample of snow leopard DNA in it. It wasn't enough mutagen to make her completely loose her senses and go berserk like the other mutants we have seen but it was enough to mutate her into well you saw and snow leopard.'' When I finished I looked at my brothers as they nodded their heads calmly.

''Any questions?'' I asked looking at my brothers and this is where Mikey perked up and got that, glimmer in his eyes this made me worry about what he was going to say.

''Sooo who asked who out, when did you guys start to date, have you kissed yet, what do you love about her, do you love her more now she's a mutant too!'' he said so fast but I couldn't help but blush at his third question and he seemed to notice because a huge grin appeared on his face.

''Oh My GOD! You guys kissed! That is sooo cute I don't even know what to say I, AHHHH KAWIIIIIIII!'' he screamed as he started to run around again, I saw Leo smile at me a little more and I started to blush deeper, then Raph snorted and looked at me,

''Really? Come on there is no way you would have the guts to kiss a girl Donnie and there is no way you would have the guts to ask a girl out, you couldn't ask April out when you liked her you couldn't even say you liked her and your saying you asked Melody to be your girlfriend! Ha I'll believe it when I see it'' he mocks but before he can start to tease me again a shuruken flew past his face just inches from hitting him, he stared at it wide eyed then we all turned around.

Melody stood with her arms crossed glaring at Raph, then she walked over to us, she must have gotten used to her body with the help of sensei. She stood beside me a wrapped her soft tail around my neck pulling me close to her as she placed her hands on her hips and continued to glare at Raph.

''Oh believe it Raphie-boy, Donnie has more guts than you give him credit for, and if you still don't believe me why don't we all have a little game of truth or dare, you can even invite your friends, who was it? April and Casey?'' she said smugly, I smiled at her idea and nodded my head, Mikey and Leo also agreed as they went to text April and Casey, only Raph was left.

''I.. uh fine whatever but if either of you two choose dare, you guys are going to get it'' we looked at each other and smirked then walked away to my lab to work on a few things before our little game of truth or dare. 

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