Chapter 23

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Melody's POV

(The pic above is Rose just imagine her having red eyes like Donnie and Green rings)

''Melody, I've finished dinner are you almost finished with your experiment'' Donnie says as he wrapped his arms around my waist I smiled and turned round to face him as I place my paws on his plastron. I nodded my head and pulled his head down with my tail kissing him, he deepened it and pinned me down against the lab table locking my movement,

''EWW DADDY, DON'T MAKE OUT WITH MOMMY IN THE LAB'' we heard a little girls voice shout, we pulled away, Donnie pulling me off the table and looked up to the doors of the lab. Standing there was a young snow leopard with ruby red eyes and green rings on her fur.

''Sorry Rose, daddy was just calling me for dinner and he showed me some affection that's all baby girl'' I said leaning my head on Donnie's shoulder he held me close and smiled at out beautiful 5 year old daughter. Raph, Mikey and Leo were all out at Aprils for patrol whilst Donnie, sensei, Rose and I were in the lair about to have dinner. Our daughter walked over to us and held her paws up giggling, I picked her up and she snuggled into me and her father, who was hugging the both of us close to him.

''Ah my children, and my grandchild am I right in saying that we should be eating dinner at the moment?'' sensei said as he walked into the lab we looked up and smiled at him, Rose jumped out of my arms and ran over to him holding her arms up,

''Grampa!'' she squealed as he picked her up and cuddled her, ''Daddy was making out with mommy in the lab'' rose said, sensei chuckled at her innocence.

''They love each other very much young one that is what mommy and daddy are supposed to do but to take your mind off of it would you like to watch your mommy and daddy train together after dinner? after that uncle Raph, uncle Mikey and uncle Leo will be back'' he asked her gently, Rose jumped up and down in his arms shouting yes! We all laughed at her antiques, Donnie took my paw and laced his fingers with mine as we walked through to the kitchen, for dinner. After dinner Rose sat in sensei's lap and watched Donnie and I spar, we still went out on missions and on patrol despite having our daughter so we still had to train like usual and to be honest it felt good to be relieved from parenting duties for an hour or two and fight crime like old times.

Everytime I tripped up Donnie, Rose would giggle and cheer me on shouting 'yeah girl power'. After training we all sat on the couch and decided to have a movie marathon before going putting Rose to bed in her own room.

''What do you want to watch baby girl'' Donnie asked bouncing her up and down on his lap whilst I pulled out the crate of videos and placed them on the ground.

Rose jumped off of Donnie's lap and ran over to the crate, she rummaged around for a bit before pulling out some videos,

''SPACE HERO'S!'' she shouted, she loved space hero's Leo had gotten her into it and now there was nothing she would rather watch than space hero's with her uncle Leo.

She inherited the love of food and cooking from Mikey and she had a strong will and good reaction skills from Raph.

Genetically from me she got my looks and species of mutant, from Donnie his eyes and his brains.

''Did I hear someone say space hero's?'' said an excited voice from the entrance of the lair,

''UNCLE LEO!'' Rose squealed as she ran over to her eldest uncle jumping into his arms, he spun her around and placed her on his shoulders.

''Sup Rosie!'' Mikey shouted as he walked in with Raph,

''Uncle Mikey, its Rose not Rosie'' she giggled looking at Mikey, ''Hey uncle Raph, I'm taller than you ahaha!'' She said raising her arms above her head laughing as Leo held her legs and starting to run around the lair with her on his shoulders,

''Oh yeah ya little minx, just wait till I catch you'' he said chuckling running after Leo and Rose. Mikey shouted something about making cookies and went to the kitchen, I giggled and sat on Donnie's lap snuggling up to him and pecking him on the crook of the neck making him smile I could tell he was holding back a moan and I knew we would be continuing our little make out session later in our room, I then placed my paws on his plastron. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close kissing me on the forehead.

We watched our daughter play with her uncles for a while, my eyes started to feel heavy I rested my head on my husband and closed my eyes. Soon I felt some pressure on my lap, I opened my eyes and saw that Donnie was fast asleep, Rose had just climbed onto my lap and fell asleep snuggled up to us, I smiled and wrapped my arms around her and leaned into Donnie his arms tightened around us and I closed my eyes again.

I fell asleep with my beautiful family and I couldn't have been happier to be alive in my life, I have a wonderful husband and a beautiful daughter, I love them to bits and I am so glad that all that time ago Donnie stopped me from taking my life, I will stand by my family because leaving the Saki family and being part of the Hamato family was the best decision I had ever made.

Well that's the end of this story ma Chika's I hope you all liked it and don't worry I'm gonna do some love stories for the other turtles as well as finishing my BF scenarios. I've even been thinking of doing a Yosuke Hanamura love story from persona 4. Let me know what you think. Later ma Chika's -E xxxxx

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