Chapter 6

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picture is Melody's Katana

Donnie's POV

The next day I woke up earlier than normal but when I looked over to Melody's bed, she was gone. I started to panic slightly she had taken her katana and everything, she seemed so happy last night at the 'party' so she wouldn't go back to the shredder. Not willingly at least would she?

I left my room in a panic to see Leo just up and making some tea,

''Hey Donnie, what's up bro?'' he asked as he saw me running towards him in a blind panic, when  he saw my face he started to panic slightly but hid it from me.

''Leo, its Melody she wasn't in her bed this  morning and her katana is gone to what if she's been..........'' I start in a frenzy but Leo just smiles at me and stops me,

''Donnie. bro chill she's okay she's just training in the dojo with sensei, I just woke up but before I came here I had a look in the dojo and I saw Melody sparring with sensei. Trust me bro she seems happy here.........especially around you. he said then he passed me a cup of tea  and went back to his room  to meditate before being called for  morning training,

now I was curious I walked over to the dojo and slid open the paper door, sure enough Melody and sensei were sparring, she was amazing she was holding her own very well and had an amazing balance of offence and defence, even master Splinter seemed impressed with her performance.

That was until she looked over to see me and got distracted, she hadn't guarded against master Splinters kick in time and went flying through the paper from the dojo and landed in the pool. I ran over panicking as did sensei, he had though she would of guarded that was why he used such force.

''Melody! Melody where are you, are you okay?!'' I shouted at the side of the pool, the water bubbled slightly and I panicked more, until her head popped above water gasping for breath. Relived I jumped in and helped her out, and to sit down at the side of the pool.

''Melody, are you okay, I used some force there did I hurt you?'' sensei asked her she stood up but fell onto my shell gripping her stomach,

''its okay sensei, yeah it hurts but I've been through worse with the shredder I promise this is nothing'' she said but then she groaned in pain,

''I'll get her to the lab sensei, I can give her some cream and pain killers, she'll be fine for morning training'' I said to him as I supported Melody to the lab, he gave us a brief nod and made his way back to the dojo, probably to try and fix the hole in the paper wall.

I helped Melody to the lab and helped her onto the examination table as I got the things I needed from the rest of the lab.

''Donnie I fine really its just a little, ow!'' she interrupted herself due to another wave of pain, I looked over to her in worry and shook my head. I gave her a couple of pain killers then started to apply some ointment to her lower stomach and back area to kill off the pain completely.

''Stop complaining'' I said to her with a small smile on my face ''trust me in about 10 minuets you'll feel like none of this even happened, I ..... gotta admit though your tough and I admire that in you, I wish I could be as tough as you'' I said as I help her down from the table. We walk through to the kitchen to make some breakfast together.

We walked to the couch with our breakfast and sat down I turned to her,

''Hey Melody?'' I said to her

''hmm?'' she replied looking up to me from her food,

''where did you get your katana'' I said pointing to it, ''its different from what the rest of the foot use''

''oh that'' she said putting her plat down and turning to me ''It was a present from my late mother, she was amazing and taught me lots of things, but she disappeared when I was young'' she said standing up and walking to the kitchen with her empty plate. I followed after her.

We talked all the way over to the dojo to begin morning training and let me say I had never had as much fun in training until Melody came.

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