Chapter 5

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                                                                                      Melody's POV

After tidying myself up in the bathroom I opened the door where Donnie had cleaned up all the glass that I had broken as walked over to him, he noticed me and gave me a small gap tooth smile (which again was adorable) I gave him a weak smile in return, he placed his arm on my shoulder,

''you ready? and don't worry no matter what happens I promise I will make sure to stand up for you, no one is going to hurt you all you have to do is answer all there questions as honestly as you can, and tell them exactly what you told me''  as he spoke my heart rate started to increase rapidly I felt like I was going to hyperventilate, seeing me start to panic Donnie gave me a gentle re-assuring hug which helped me relax. I pulled away from the hug and looked up into his amber, red eyes.

''I'm ready'' I said trying to keep my voice from shaking, he gave me a small nod and led me out into what seemed to be the living room, where I saw three more turtles, one in a blue mask, one in a red mask and the third in an orange mask. Also a large rat in a red kimono, they were all gathered on and around the couch, apparently waiting for us.

''We're here sorry to make you wait guys we had a bit of a......... talk first'' said Donnie as soon as he spoke his brothers all stood up and made space on the couch for us, I sat down nervously and Donnie sat down beside me and gave me a small smile.

''Well young lady, first allow me to ask of your name'' said their sensei I looked up at him and gave a small nod,

''Melody'' I said keeping my voice as calm as possible he gave a small nod,

''um Melody? here I think this belongs to you'' the turtle with the orange mask said to me holding out my katana to me, I looked at him and gave a small smile,

''thank you but I think you should keep a hold of it until you have heard me out, otherwise I fear you wont believe what I have to say'' I said looking at the ground slightly trying to calm my pounding heart, the three turtles gave me a questioning look then looked over to Donnie who simply nodded his head.

''As you wish miss Melody now please tell us what you have told Donatello, and please you may call me Splinter'' their sensei said to me,

''of course Splinter and please just call me Melody. Well I guess I should start by telling you all the truth of my family, my father and my older sister to be exact, you all know them well however I know that you hate them, I just hope you don't judge me because of that I am nothing like my family in fact it makes me sick to call them my family'' I looked up, everyone was silently staring at me, I took a deep breath and spoke again.

''My name is Melody Saki Daughter of Oroku Saki and little sister to Karai Saki'' I said looking a lot calmer than I felt.

''WHAT! YOUR THE SHREDDERS DAUGHTER THEN WE HAVE TO.....'' shouted the turtle with the red mask but the blue masked one stopped him before he could walk towards me,

''wait Raph''

''but Leo she's....''

''I know what she is but think about it if she was out to kill us she has had plenty of chances to by now, she could have taken her katana from Mikey and gone after us already. Plus think of how long her and Don were alone in the room she could have sneak attacked him but she didn't. And why would she admit openly to us the truth without the intention to attack if she was with Karai and the shredder'' after all this Raph, as he was called settled down slightly but not completely,

''Mikey, thoughts?'' he said to the orange masked turtle (who looked like the youngest of the four),

''Raph, bro i'm with Leo think back to when we first found her she was in this majorly one sided battle with Karai right, if they were on the same side by choice and cared about each other like we all care for each other there is no way in shell Karai would fight and almost kill her'' he turned towards me and held out my katana once again before speaking ''I believe you dudette, plus if D trusts you, then I have all the more reason to trust you, I trust Dons judgment'' he said showing me a big smile.

''I dunno Mikey I still want proof that she is on our side'' said Raph still looking suspicious

''you want proof Raph I'll show you proof!'' Donnie snapped, he had been so quiet up until now, he turned to me and indicated to my wrists with his eyes. I knew what he meant and I nodded slowly,

''are you sure?'' he asked softly I nodded my head and gave him an 'its the only way' look he seemed to understand and gave me a small smile as he took my wrists in his hands and looked at his brothers who looked slightly confused at what was happening.

''Look we were in my room for a while because we weren't just talking, I walked in on her in tears I was worried so I walked up to her and when I did all I saw was blood everywhere, and before you all freak out well, I'll just show you where the blood came from'' he said turning back to me and un-raveling my wrapped up wrists as he did all I could do was close my eyes in shame as the turtles all gasped at the deep gashes on my arms.

''This is what the shredder has done'' Donnie said in a sad tone and he started to wrap my arms up again ''he has driven his own daughter to this, some one he should care for, she tried to commit suicide in the company of those who actually care all because she wanted the pain to end'' by now all of the turtle had tears in their eyes, even Raph who seemed to realise the truth placed his hand on my shoulder,

''I'm sorry Melody I didn't know it was that bad, can you forgive me'' I looked up to him and gave him a small smile as Donnie finished wrapping up my wounds. He smiled slightly in relief after that Mikey ran up to me and engulfed me in a big hug,

''oh man dudette, life must have been so hard growing up with a family like that, don't go back to them stay with us we will treat you a shell of a lot better I promise'' he said tears running down his freckled cheeks. After Mikey let go of me (with some encouragement from Donnie) Leo walked up to me and gave me a gentle hug,

''you will always be welcome here we will treat you like a proper family should'' he said pulling away from the hug he looked over to Splinter.

''Please sensei, shes not like Karai and shredder I...I can just feel it'' said Donnie walking over to his sensei Splinter opened his eyes and looked down towards his second youngest son, placing a hand on his shoulder he smiled at him and said,

''Of course my sons I believe her for the same reasons all of you do, you are correct Donatello there is something different about Melody and I feel she may be of great help to us''

''Booyakasha!'' shouted Mikey making me jump ''we need to party woo'' he said running up to me and giving me another bone crushing hug, the other turtles other than Donnie joined in on the hug, they seemed to agree with Mikey about the party. I looked over to Donnie and mouthed to him 'a little help, please' he chuckled a little and walked over to us all.

''Okay guys your crushing her'' he said laughing everyone pulled away from the hug and began laughing too as they party was set into action, never had I felt so cared for by anyone. I had never laughed and had as much fun as I did that night, getting to know the brothers and there sensei. 'I think I'll take them up on their offer and stay here, they seem to like me and want me to stay, maybe then I can live the life of a real ninja, a ninja who fights and lives with honour in their heart and not evil' I thought to myself as I continued to talk and have fun with the four brothers for the rest of the night.

The feels are so real right now :,)

Nice long chapter for you my chikas hope you all enjoyed it let me know if you did I'd love to hear what you think so far :) Emma out xxxxx

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