Chapter 9

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                                                                         Melody's POV

'Uh what happened? where am I?' I thought to myself as I stared to wake up, the last thing I remembered was Donnie and I telling each other that we love each other....... oh right yeah that happened. I slowly sat up and looked around the room my eyes adjusting to the lights, 'I must be in Donnie's lab' I thought to myself as the familiar surroundings came into focus, but I feel weird I mean these tables are normally freezing but I feel warm and I.......... hooooly what the.....!!!!

I looked down at myself and realised I had.........fur! White fur with aqua spots, claws on my hands and feet....well paws, ears and....and a tail?!

''AHHHHH! WHAT'S HAPPENED TO ME!!!'' I shout as I fall of the table onto the floor with a thud,

''Melody!'' I hear Donnie shout as he runs over to me, but when he see's me he stops dead eyes wide in shock and surprise. He walks over to me slowly and kneels down beside me looking into my eyes, as soon as he does he relaxes. My eyes fill with tears and jump into Donnie's arms he's surprised at first but then he remembers its me and starts to rub my back and tell me everything will be fine.

''Melody are you okay now?'' he said to me pulling back and looking into my eyes concerned, I nod my head and calm down,

''what happened Donnie, how did I mutate I was no where near any mutagen or snow leopards for that matter'' I said really confused, Donnie and I thought for a minuet then something came to mind,

''Donnie can I use your laptop real quick? I want to test something'' I asked he nodded and helped me up, helping me walk over to his laptop since I wasn't used to this new body yet. After sitting down I quickly went through his files until I found the mutagen report, I started to run calculations and tests, Donnie was behind me watching everything I did and then I found it, the answer I was looking for I turned around and I saw Donnie's eyes had widened in shock.

''I was right'' I said looking into his ruby eyes ''Karai must have mixed snow leopard DNA with mutagen and stuck it into my neck the last time we fought, that was the sting I felt'' I said I widened my eyes and shook my head I needed to clear my mind from all this.

I stood up and walked over to where the table was so I could think at least I tried to, but of course I forgot, new body, new rules. I tripped and fell over my own tail, Donnie rushed over and caught me in a dip just before I hit the ground, one arm around the back of my waist the other at the back of my neck, my arms around his neck supporting my weight.

We just stared at each other, Donnie started to slowly move his face towards mine, 'oh god is he gonna....will he..... I want him too.... I want to too but..... what do I do....I have never kissed a guy before and never before has a guy kissed me' I thought to myself panicking slightly, I really loved Donnie and I didn't want to mess that up just because I didn't know how to kiss anyone.

I decided just to let him lead, he slowly got closer and I closed my eyes after a second I felt his lips gently press against mine. He was kissing me. I let him lead and although none of us had actually kissed anyone it was nice, it felt..........right, I felt safe in his strong but gentle arms, like I was just meant to be there. He was a good kisser and he seemed like he knew what he was doing even though he told me he had never had a girlfriend and had never kissed anyone.

After a minuet or so we pulled away, when I looked into his ruby eyes I started to blush and he did too, he pulled me up, hands still around my waist and my hands.........well paws still around his neck.

''You kissed me back?'' he asked blushing like crazy I just smiled slightly and nuzzled my nose against his beak, making him smile and hold me tighter. When he showed me that adorkable gap smile I melted, he was perfect; smart, kind, strong everything about him was perfect. I don't care if he is a mutant hey I am now too. He is my mutant at least I want him to be.

''Of course I did........I.. I love you'' I said quietly, I looked to the ground blushing again, he smiled and lifted my chin with his finger then pressed his lips to mine once more. He pulled away and pressed his forehead to my furry one and smiled.

''I love you too Melody, will you be my girlfriend?'' he said blushing forcing himself to keep staring into my Violet eyes, tears stared to form the fall down my furry cheeks as I nodded my head and hugged him tight.

''Yes, Donatello I do want to be your girlfriend more than anything''  I whispered into his ear, he hugged me tighter, then a thought came to my mind,

''Donnie?'' I said pulling back a look of concern on my face,

''what is it angel?'' he said looking gently into my eyes.

''Angel?'' I said smiling slightly, to think that he had thought of a nickname for me a few seconds after he asked me to be his made my heart flutter with happiness.

''Yep, because angels are beautiful, bring good fortune and have beautiful white wings. Your beautiful, you brought good fortune upon me allowing me to be happy for the first time in so long after being harshly rejected and well not only do you have beautiful white fur but everytime I see you I feel like you will just take my heart away and fly straight up to heaven with it'' he said his eyes narrowing softly as he looked down to me with his ruby red eyes.

I smiled and hugged him again, after a couple of seconds he gently pulled back,

''What is it you wanted to ask me angel?'' he whispered a slight look of worry spreading over his face as he looked into my violet eyes.

''What are we going to tell the guys and sensei? I mean sensei is a rat and I am now a mutated snow leopard, a big cat. Wont he be afraid of me?'' I said tears forming in my eyes once again I couldn't stand the thought of another father....well fatherly figure abandoning and hurting me. Donnie just smiled and shook his head, gently wiping away my tears and placing our foreheads together again,

''no way angel, we'll tell them exactly what happened, what Karai did to you. They'll understand and remember master Splinter considers you not only his student now but his daughter, you know coz we're together now. He won't be afraid he will embrace the change and teach you how to cope and fight with your new body, you have him and the guys so don't worry okay?'' he said gently I nod my head and smile at him.

''I love your smile, it makes you glow'' he whispered pressing his lips up to mine once more deepening it ever so slightly enough to show me his protection but not too much to make either of us uncomfortable,

''come on angel lets go and show everyone the new and improved, Kunoichi of the team'' Donnie said smiling as he took my hand and we both walked out of the lab to see everyone else, my new family.

Ahh the feel are so real I loved writing this chapter and I really hope you guys like reading it, its soooo cute anywho i'm gonna sleep now so I'll see ya'll in the next chapter where we see how the guys and sensei react to her new appearance, btw the picture is what she looks like now only violet eyes hope ya'll like it. Later ma Chika's -E xxxxxxxxxxxx

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