Chapter 8

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When Charlie got home from work that night he found Bella in the kitchen, her school books strewed across the table.

"Hey Bells."

"Hey Dad, how was work?" She asked

"It was a quiet day. But I did have a talk with Paul."

At the mention of his name, Bella's body immediately tensed.

"What did you talk about?"

"You." Charlie said as he grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat down

"Me?" She frowned

"Yes. I wanted to know what he'd done to make you dislike him so much."

"And what did he say?"

"He said he hadn't done anything but he did mention Edward."


"He gave the impression that there's something you haven't told me."

Bella just stared at her father, silently cursing Paul for stirring things up like this.

"I already told you everything Dad. And I don't know why Paul would say anything about Edward; they didn't even know each other."

"Then why would he bring him up?" He asked

"Well there was an incident last night I guess he's trying to get me back for it."

"The cheesecake thing?"

"How do you know about that?"

"The entire station knows."



"Paul's friend? But how did he find out?"

"I guess Paul told him."

"I just don't picture Paul admitting to anyone that he got bested by a girl."

"So you're sure you've told me everything?"

"Yes Dad." Bella replied

"Ok. So what's for dinner?"

"Figured we'd order a pizza or something." She shrugged

"Sounds good."

And just like that things were back to normal.

Charlie believed Bella when she said she'd told him everything but there was still some small part of him that wondered. He'd always thought Edward seemed a bit off but he decided that he would just trust Bella and what she had told him. He would however, be having a talk with Paul.

After Charlie had gone upstairs to shower and change, Bella called Jacob.


"Hey Jake, how are you?"

"I'm great, you?"


"So…'d dinner go?

"How do you think it went?" She grumbled

"Well he ended up with a cheesecake in his face and managed not to phase, so I'd say it went well."

"What? How did you know about that? And what do you mean 'he managed not phase'?"

"Oh crap….Ummm, Bella. Uh…. Just forget I said anything."

"Jacob. Explain."

"Uh….gotta go Bells. Bye."

"Jacob? Jacob!"

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