Chapter 13

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It had been almost two months since the imprint happened and in that time Bella and Paul had managed to form a solid friendship that as far as anyone else could tell, was well on its way to becoming more than friendship.

Bella would be graduating in a few weeks and she was beyond excited that high school was coming to a close. While Bella was excited, Paul was nervous. He had let his guard down when it came to Bella and in doing so it had allowed the two of them to grow closer but he worried that her plans for after graduation didn't include staying in Forks. Paul knew that he wouldn't be able to take it if Bella decided to leave but he also wouldn't be able to stop her if it was really what she wanted.

It was Friday night and Bella and Paul were spending it together, as had become the norm for them to do in the last two months.


"Yea?" She asked sliding the pan of lasagna into the oven

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." She said joining him at the table

"Are you going to leave Forks?"


"I mean are you going off to college?"

"Oh, yea."

"Oh. Well how far away is it?" He asked, his heart aching at the thought of her being anywhere but here

"Port Angeles."

"Port Angeles?" Now he was confused

"Yes. Where did you think I would go?"

"Well I don't know. But I just figured you would be leaving Forks."

"But I'm not; I still be living here and driving up to Port Angeles. Besides, you and I both know that I can't leave Forks….unless it was to move to La Push."

"You'd move to La Push?" He asked excitedly

"Not anytime soon but yea."

"So does that mean you want to be more than friends?" He asked hoping she would say yes

"I don't think I'm ready for more than friendship quite yet but I definitely see us getting there."

Paul's smile was bigger than she'd ever seen it; she hadn't known that it would make him so happy to hear that she saw a future with him. She knew it was what he wanted but they usually didn't talk much about the imprint or where their relationship was going. Bella had learned over the course of the last two months that Paul wasn't very demonstrative; there were little things here or there that hinted to how he felt about Bella but he'd never really come out and said anything. And though he had never voiced it, Bella knew that he still feared she would change her mind about accepting the imprint.

Knowing that Bella wasn't going anywhere had squashed Paul's worry and he was able to relax and enjoy spending time with her.

It was after dinner and they were in the living room watching T.V. when out of nowhere Bella said,

"When do I get to see you as a wolf?"


"I haven't seen you as a wolf yet; I want to know what you look like."

"That was really random." He laughed

"I know. But I really want to see you; I bet you're beautiful." She smiled

"Beautiful? Come on Bella; can't you use something more manly." He whined

"I'd have to see you in wolf form first."

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