Chapter 45

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"So what do you want for your birthday?" Paul asked Bella as they lay in bed together, his fingers running through her hair

"I can't really think of anything." She answered

"Well you've got an entire month to decide."

"You really don't have to get me anything you know."

"I know; so how's the wedding planning going with Kim and Emily?"

"Its torture." Bella whined

"Torture? I doubt it's that bad." He chuckled

"It really is that bad. They show me stuff and then ask what I like but then when I tell them, they make this face like 'ewww, no. I wouldn't pick that for my wedding'. I can't tell you how many flowers and flower arrangements I've looked at. They've been looking into all these venues to have the wedding at and I keep trying to tell them I want to have it here on the Rez; but they aren't listening. I'm seriously thinking you and I should just plan it together and just let everyone know when and where to show up."

"Then why don't we do that? This is our wedding Bella, not theirs. And if you're not happy with what they're planning then you need to say something."

"Would you really help with all this wedding stuff if I decided I didn't want their help in planning it anymore?"


"Ok. So, I guess I should get up and go give them a call." She said moving to get out of bed only to be pulled back down

"I don't have to work today and my patrol isn't till midnight…. You can talk to the girls later." He said as he nibbled on her ear and trailed kisses down her neck

Bella giggled and squirmed under his ministrations.

It was well past noon by the time the two of them emerged from the room.

Kwoli barked and nipped at their heels as if to show his displeasure at being left alone for so long.

"Come on boy, let's go outside." Paul said as he ran for the back door

"Have fun you two!" Bella called after them

Once outside, Paul shed his clothes and phased and Kwoli immediately gave a happy yip and tried his best to jump and grab Paul's tail.

The two of them ran around for hours, Kwoli weaving in out of Paul's leg; pulling on Paul's tail when it was low enough to reach.

Just as Paul was getting ready to phase back, Bella stuck her out the door and yelled


Seconds later, Paul and Kwoli were barging in the house and headed straight for the kitchen.

While Bella and Paul were enjoying their day together Jacob was speaking with the council about letting Charlie in on the secret.

Billy and Harry were the only ones, besides Jacob of course, that had seen no problem with it; Old Quil and Sam however, were a different matter. Old Quil, set in his ways, believed that the secret should remain within the tribe and though Charlie was respected among them, he was still a pale face and therefore should not be allowed to know the truth of the legends. Sam, though he understood Old Quil's point of view, he also thought that it might not be so bad if Charlie was told about the pack.

It was decided that the council would take a few days to think it over and then meet again at the end of the week and give their final decision.

Friday morning, the council gathered at Billy's to give their decisions.

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