Chapter 34

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After all the presents had been opened, Claire bounced her way to Paul and Bella and asked if she could see her present now.

Charlie and Billy decided to head on home because they were both tired; plus they already knew what the present was so they didn't need to stick around to see it.

When they exited the back door, Claire squealed and took off running.

"You got her dogs?" Quil asked watching the little girl cuddle the puppies

"Actually only one of them is hers, the other one is mine." Bella explained

Bella made her way over to the little girl to explain that only one of the puppies were hers.

"This is the bestest pwesent ever!" The little girl squealed wrapping her arms around Bella

"Well one is mine and one is yours; but you get to pick which one you want."

Claire stared intently at both dogs and finally decided on the smaller of the two puppies.

While Claire and Bella played with their puppies, Quil and the rest of the guys pestered Paul about them.

"So, whose idea was this?" Embry asked

"It was all Bella. She came home one day saying she'd found the perfect gift for Claire and then a couple days later, I get back from patrol and see those two curled up on the couch with Bella. She said she'd only meant to get the one for Claire, but they were brothers and she didn't think it was right to separate them. So she convinced me to let her keep one, not that it was hard."

"Ok. But why did she think a dog would be a good idea for Claire, and what if Claire's parents don't want her to have one?" Quil asked

"Said something about, Claire having someone to protect her when us wolves weren't around and that since these dogs get pretty big it wouldn't freak Claire out too much when she finally saw us in our wolf forms; and Claire will have someone to play with and cuddle with when her 'Quilly' can't be there. And Bella already talked to Claire's parents about it; they thought it was sweet of Bella." Paul explained

"Can they sense the wolf in us?" Seth asked

"I've actually phased around them once before just to see how they would react and they were fine; ran circles around me and nipped at my heels."

"What breed are they?" Sam asked

"Alaskan Malamutes." Bella answered as her and Claire rejoined the group, dogs in tow

"Whatever they are, they're adorable." Kim said as she reached down to pet one

"So what are you going to name yours Claire-Bear?" Quil asked


"Chubby? Ok." Quil shrugged

"What you gonna name yours Belly?" Claire asked looking up at Bella

"I think I'll name him, Kwoli."

Claire nodded approvingly and then yawned and stretched her arms up to Quil as a sign that she wanted to be picked up.

"Kwoli? Do you know what that means?" Sam asked Bella

"Mmhmm. It's the Quileute word for wolves."

"How did you know that?" Paul asked her

"Billy has been teaching me; I thought since I was going to marry you and be a part of the tribe I should know your native language. And I really want our kids to know it too, so I want to be able to help you teach it to them."

Paul couldn't explain how happy it made him to know that Bella was making an effort to learn the Quileute language.

The rest of the guys were surprised because only four of them (Sam, Paul, Quil and Jacob) knew enough Quileute to be able to have a full conversation. Emily didn't know any Quileute because she wasn't a Quileute and she hadn't bothered to learn it even when Sam had offered to teach it to her; she hadn't really thought it was necessary. And Kim knew next to nothing of the language because she just hadn't wanted to learn it; she thought it was too hard and most of the tribe spoke English now, so what was the point.

They all made their way back into the house, bringing the dogs with them, and talked for a little longer before everyone started to head home.

"I guess we should go ahead and clean-up huh?" Bella sighed, leaning into Paul as they waved goodbye to Seth and Quil

"Or we could just sleep and do it tomorrow?" Paul yawned

"Hmmm; Sounds good." She mumbled, her face pressed into his chest

Paul picked up Kwoli, who wasn't quite big enough to be able to make it up the stairs yet, and followed Bella up to their room.

Bella was so tired she couldn't even be bothered to put on pajamas; she simply discarded her clothes and fell into bed thinking that the blankets and Paul would be enough to keep her warm.

At the sight of Bella naked and sprawled out on the bed, Paul's member quickly sprang to life and he slipped into the bathroom to take care of it, knowing that Bella was too tired for anything.

It didn't take long for him to finish and after a quick clean-up he was crawling into bed with Bella, draping his body across hers but being careful not to place too much of his weight on her.

From his place on the floor, Kwoli whined and pulled at the covers. When he received no attention for his efforts he started to bark, which startled Bella and she nudged Paul.

"Wha?" He asked opening one eye to stare down at her

"Dog…bed." She answered, knowing that it was better to use small and short words when Paul was half asleep like this

Paul grumbled a bit and maneuvered until he could reach down and grab the puppy without having to sit up.

Kwoli gave a happy little yip and snuggled in beside Bella.

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