Chapter 32

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WARNING: This chapter will contain a lemon (sex scene) so if you don't like those, just skip that part.

For those of you who do like lemons, I hope you enjoy it.

A/N: There is a small time skip here, Bella has completely moved into Paul's house now.

Even though Bella was living with Paul now, she felt like she saw him even less than when they weren't living together; if he wasn't at work, he was out on patrol or asleep. She understood the reasons and knew that it was all an effort to protect and take care of her, but she missed him. There was hardly a weekend that they got to spend with just the two of them, because along with increased patrols there were also increased pack meetings; and there was always at least one pack member stopping by the house to talk to Paul or to ask Bella something about vampires. She was growing frustrated and just hoped that all this vampire business wouldn't ruin their first Christmas together.

While Paul was busy with patrol and work, Bella spent as much time as she could with Angela and was constantly having to make excuses for why Paul couldn't join them or why he had to cancel when he'd already promised to hang out. If Angela thought anything of it, she said nothing and Bella was beyond thankful for that; it was hard enough keeping all the wolf business a secret.

Emily and Kim were also growing frustrated with the lack of time they got to spend with their men and so they spent the majority of their time with Bella and Angela. And poor Claire was missing her 'Quilly' as well and didn't understand why, even though she lived closer to him now, she didn't get to play with him anymore than she used to. Bella knew how hard it was on her, Emily and Kim so she knew it had to be absolutely awful for Claire who wasn't aware of Quil's wolf duties; so as often as she could, she spent time with Claire hoping it would offer her some comfort and it gave Bella chances to reassure her that Quil was still her 'Quilly-Bear'.

By the time Christmas Eve rolled around, all the boys were beyond exhausted and Sam decided they'd been vigilant enough and could afford a bit of a break. Paul was the first to hightail it out of Sam and Emily's house, with a warning that no one was to disturb him and Bella unless it was an emergency.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++LEMON AHEAD+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

"Bella!" Paul shouted as he stormed into the house, discarding his shoes and cut-offs before the front door had even banged shut

At his shout, Bella came racing down the stairs but didn't even get a chance to speak because Paul had thrown her over his shoulder and raced up the stairs to their bedroom.

Paul wasted no time in ridding Bella of her clothes and only took a few seconds to admire the beauty that was his little swan, before he was on top of her and pressing his lips to hers.

Bella lost herself in the feel of his lips and his hands; his body glistening with the beginnings of sweat, sliding atop hers and creating such delicious friction that Bella didn't know whether to scream or cry or beg for more.

His fingers slid along her stomach, trailing slowly around her belly button before continuing their journey south; Bella arched into his touch, crying out when his fingers finally entered her and bucking up as they left her body. She whined and writhed, searching for those skilled fingers that had only ever teased her and whispered promises of things to come.

Paul watched Bella intently, his pupils blown wide with lust and everything in his body telling him to take what was rightfully his; to plunge forward and ravage his little swan, leave no doubt in her mind of who she belonged to.

"Mine." He growled as he leaned over her and nipped at the space where neck and shoulder met

She'd heard him growl before but never like this; this was animalistic and a stark reminder that this wasn't just a mere human that lay above her. This was a human with the spirit of both wolf and man, both fierce and forces to be reckoned with in their own rights, but together a lethal combination. And right now both wolf and man demanded that this woman be taken; the wolf refused to be denied the pleasure of his mate's body any longer and Paul was more than happy to oblige.

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