Chapter 16

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It had been more than an hour since Charlie had gone upstairs and Bella and Paul were still unaware that he was home.

"You did good." Bella said smiling at Paul as she took in the finished meal

"Had a great teacher." He grinned draping an arm across her shoulders

"I wonder where Dad's at; he's usually home by now."

"I don't know. But please tell me we don't have to wait for him because I'm starving."

"You're always starving." She laughed

When he heard them talking he decided that they had emerged from their own little world and it was a good time for him to make his presence known.

"Hey kids."

"Dad? When did you get home?" Bella asked surprised

"About an hour ago." He replied

"An hour? But I didn't even hear you come in. Did you hear him?" Bella asked turning to Paul

"No." He said shaking his head; he was slightly embarrassed that he hadn't because with his wolf senses he should have

"You two seemed to be enjoying yourselves so I decided to let you be and catch a nap." He explained


"Can we please eat now?" Paul begged

"Yes Paul, we can eat now."

Paul tried to be patient as Bella and Charlie fixed their plates but he was seconds away from shoving Charlie out of the way so he could get to the food.

"Paul, this is really good." Charlie said as he took a bite of the chicken

Paul was too busy shoveling food into his mouth so he just nodded.

Bella smiled at him and dug into her own food.

Dinner was relatively quiet aside from the occasional moans emitted from Paul; clear signs that he was more than happy with the outcome of his efforts.

Once Paul had finished off his third helping, he helped Bella clean-up the kitchen and then settled on the couch to watch some T.V. with Charlie.

"Paul it's getting late, I should probably take you home now."

"Huh? Why would you be taking me home?"

"Well you said I could use your car until my truck was fixed."

"Yea. But I was just gonna drive it over in the morning and ride into work with your Dad."

"Oh, ok."

Around ten o'clock, Charlie called it a night and an hour later Paul decided he should call it a night too.

"Dad usually likes to leave here before 8 and I leave around the same time, so please don't be late." Bella said as she walked Paul to the door

"Yes your Majesty." He said turning and giving an elaborate bow

"Ha….ha." She replied trying to hide her smile

"Do I get breakfast in the morning?"

"We'll see." She replied shoving him out the door

"This is the treatment I get for cooking you dinner?" He huffed

"It was a very good dinner too; might have to have you cook more often."

"Well, you are supposed to be giving me lessons." He pointed out

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