Chapter 49

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It had been weeks since Bella had the talk with her mother, and she hadn't heard from her since; she'd tried calling but her calls always went straight to voice mail and eventually Bella just stopped calling. If her mother wanted to behave childishly, then Bella was going to let her; she'd spent her entire life catering to Renée and acting the part of grown-up because her mother wouldn't, but she was done with that now. Renée could play the part of victim all she wanted but Bella knew who the real victim in all of this had been and it certainly wasn't her mother.

Bella had already called up Angela to set up a day for dress shopping and she then called her mother and left a message letting her know what day they would be going and where. If Renée decided to show up, that was great, if she didn't, well Bella wasn't going to cry about it; she wasn't about to let her mother ruin this for her and turn it into another "it's all about Renée" moment.

Paul had been such a big help with the wedding planning and Bella was so glad that he completely understood that she wanted it to be simple; she didn't want a ton of decorations and flowers or fancy foods either. Neither one of them had really seen the point in sending out invitations seeing as how everyone aside from Renée and Phil lived right there in Forks or La Push; but Bella knew that she needed to at least send one to her mother, that way she couldn't possibly use the excuse of not knowing when and where it would be, should she choose not to come.

"So do we have an official guest list?" Bella asked as her and Paul set at their dining room table, going over last minute wedding stuff


"You mind giving me names, so I can make sure we haven't missed anyone."

"Ok. We've got: Jared and his parents, Sam, Jacob, Seth, Quil and his parents, Embry and his mom, Claire and her parents, Emily, Kim and her parents, Harry, Sue, Leah, Billy, Old Quil, Charlie, Angela, Ben, Renée, and Phil."

"Sounds right; and we've got Angela for my maid of honor, Kim and Emily for bridesmaids. Jared will be your best man and will the entire pack be groomsman?"

"It seems kind of odd to have more groomsman than bridesmaids, so I think I'll just have Jacob and Sam as groomsman."

"Alrighty, and of course Claire will be the flower girl. Do you think we could have Chubby and Kwoli be ring bearers?"

"You want the dogs to be ring bearers?" He asked trying to picture how that would even work

"Well I don't want them to feel left out." She pouted

"Bella, their dogs, they won't care." Paul laughed

"Fine…. I guess we could just have the best man and maid of honor hold onto the rings for us."

Paul nodded, "Now we just have to figure out where to have this thing."

"I was kind of thinking we could have it in the forest."

"Why would you want to have your wedding in a forest?"

"So many important moments in my life have taken place in the forest; I feel it's only right that this one take place there as well."

Paul looked at her like she'd gone a little crazy.

"It's just that a lot of bad things have happened to me in the forest and I'd just kind of like to have at least one good thing happen there."

"Well when you put it that way, it doesn't sound so crazy. I'll have to see if I can find a spot that's clear and close enough so that there won't be a ton of walking and people won't get lost; but if we can't have it in the forest, where else would you like to have it?"

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