Chapter 54

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Disclaimer: None of the songs used in this chapter belong to me.

Paul watched from his place beside Billy, who, as current Chief of the tribe, would be officiating the ceremony, as the bridesmaid and groomsmen made their way up the aisle. He smiled fondly at Claire as she practically skipped down the aisle throwing flowers everywhere. He watched as the bridesmaids and groomsmen came down the aisle but he barely took notice of what the girls looked like in their dresses and he certainly didn't pay attention to the guys; his eyes were focused on Bella as her and Charlie came into view. It turns out Elijah had been right about the tears, because before Paul had even realized his eyes were clouding with them, the tears were rolling down his cheeks; his little swan had never looked more beautiful than she did now.

Bella had been doing a pretty good job of keeping her tears in check as she walked down the aisle with her father, but as soon as she realized that the tux Paul was wearing was the one she'd been eyeballing, tears were gathering and she couldn't stop them from falling. Had he known that was the tux she'd wanted him in or was it just coincidence; either way it didn't really matter because he looked even better than she'd imagined.

To Paul and Bella, it seemed to take forever for her to reach him and once she did, Paul had to restrain himself from taking her into his arms and kissing her senseless.

As Charlie placed Bella's hand in Paul's he knew that he couldn't have asked for a better man for his daughter, so with a kiss to Bella's cheek and a smile, he moved to take his seat.

Neither Paul nor Bella paid a whole lot of attention to the words Billy spoke, they just repeated after him when asked, their eyes never straying from each other. Finally the time came for Paul to slide the ring onto Bella's finger and a smile bigger than any Bella had ever seen, spread across his face; a few seconds later and Bella was sliding a ring onto Paul's finger as well. When Billy told them that they could kiss, Paul pulled Bella closer to him, his hands moving to cup her cheeks as he stared into her eyes.

"I love you Mrs. Meraz." He whispered as he pressed his lips to hers

It was like they'd floated off into their own little world where only the two of them existed; they didn't hear the clapping or Billy clearing his throat once the kiss had gone from chaste to heated. Finally the need for air became too much and they were forced to separate.

"About time." Billy laughed

Bella blushed and Paul ran a hand across her cheek.

"My beautiful, blushing bride." He smiled softly

He grabbed her hand in his and then led her back down the aisle and down the path that would lead them out of the clearing.

Bella was surprised to see Paul's mustang sitting there when they emerged from the path; she turned to Paul with a questioning look.

"One of the guys snuck off to get it during the ceremony." He explained

"Oh, I didn't notice anyone had left." She replied

He helped her into the car and then moved around to his side. They headed off to the council hall where the reception was being held; their hands intertwined the entire way.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meraz!" Embry shouted from his spot at the DJ booth

Once husband and wife had taken their seat, everyone else did as well and dinner was served. After dinner, it was time for the toast and so Charlie stood from his seat and cleared his throat.

"Umm, I'm Bella's Dad, but I'm pretty sure everybody here already knew that," He chuckled nervously "I remember the day Bella was born and the doctor placed her in my arms; so tiny and fragile, I thought for sure I'd break her. I stared down at her and swore no boy would ever get anywhere near my precious little girl; course we see how well that worked out." He chuckled and everybody laughed along with him "No father ever thinks the boy his little girl decides to marry his good enough for her, and I was no exception to this; I spent many a nights cleaning my shotgun, just waiting for Paul to break her heart, but he never did. And after a few months I realized that my little girl might have actually found herself a pretty good man and I wouldn't be needing my shotgun after all. Paul you've turned out to be a great man, and I don't think I could've picked a better husband for Bella if I'd tried. My greatest wish for the two of you is that through the years your love for each other will deepen and grow, that years from now you will look back on this day, your wedding day, as the day you loved each other the least. I love you both and I wish you a happy life together. To Paul and Bella!" He said raising his glass

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