Chapter 9

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A/N: This chapter is the pack meeting and the events after it.

When Jacob reached the forest the rest of the pack was already there.

"Alright, now for the reason I called the meeting." Sam said sending a pointed look at Jacob

"An outsider has been made aware of the secret."

As soon as Sam said that all heads turned to Jacob.

"What? Why do you guys automatically assume I have something to do with it?"

"Well none of us have told anyone nor do we have any friends outside of the pack, so that leaves you." Jared answered

"Ok…fine so it was me. But just so you know I didn't actually tell her…she guessed." He grinned

"Jacob this is a very serious matter." Sam said

"Oh come on Sam! You act like it's the end of the world or something. Bella knows we turn into wolves, so what! She won't tell anyone." He argued

"How do you know that?" Sam asked

"Because I know Bella. Just trust me on this Sam; everything's going to be fine."

"What are we going to tell the Elders?" Sam sighed

"We'll tell them we were patrolling and found Bella; she was lost so we led her home."

"Ok. But that won't explain how she knows the secret."

"Uh….we tell them Bella came to see me, you guys were here…..Paul's temper got the better of him,"

"Me? Oh no! I am not gonna take the fall for this!" Paul yelled

"Don't think of it as taking the fall….think of it as helping out the pack." Jacob said

"You mean helping out you and that leech lover of yours." Paul growled

"Seriously man, would you get over that already." Jacob groaned

"If it wasn't for her and those Cullen's I wouldn't be like this!"

"Uh….in case it's slipped your notice…Bella ain't a vamp. And you phased before Bella even moved here."

"He does have a point." Quil said

"Shut up."

"Alright guys, settle down. It's settled, Jacob will go talk to the Elder's. Hopefully they'll buy his story." Sam sighed

"So that's it? If anyone else would've told someone, you'd rip us a new one. But no….little Alpha tells someone and that's just fine." Paul said beginning to shake

"Paul." Sam warned

Paul just glared at him before walking off.

"You guys can go. Jared, let Paul know he has the midnight patrol with me. Jacob, let's go."

The guys all went their separate ways while Jacob and Sam went back to Jacob's house.

"Hey Billy." Sam said as they entered the living room

"Sam, what brings you here?"

"Well your son has revealed the secret to Bella."

"Jacob, why would you do that?"

"It was an accident really." Jacob shrugged

"So we need to call a meeting with the Elder's so they can be informed." Sam said

"Just tell me the story you two have come up with and I'll talk to them." Billy replied

"Are you sure? I mean this is my mess." Jacob said

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