Chapter 50

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The Friday after Bella had sent the wedding invitation off to her mother, she received a call from Phil.


"Hey Bella, it's Phil."

"Hi Phil, is everything ok?"

"Uh, yea. We got the invitation to your wedding and ummm, your mom wanted me to call and let you know she might not be able to make it."

"What? What do you mean she might not be able to make it?"

"I'm only the messenger Bella; maybe you should talk to Renée about this."

"I've been trying to talk to that woman for weeks now! Is she there with you?"


"Give her the phone please."


Bella could hear parts of a whispered conversation and from the bits and pieces she heard, she gathered that her mother didn't want to speak to her.

"Hi Bella, I'm a little busy right now so I don't have much time to talk."

"Why aren't you coming to my wedding?"

"I didn't say I wasn't coming."

"But you said you might not be able to make it which basically means that you won't be there."

"I'll try to make it Bella but I won't make any promises."

Bella huffed and tried to compose herself, refusing to shed any tears because of this poor excuse for a mother.

"Why do you have to be like this? Why does everything have to be about you all the time? This is one of the most important days of my life and you can't be bothered to grow up and show up, so you know what? Just forget about it…. Consider yourself uninvited."

"What? You can't tell me not to come to your wedding!" Renée shrieked

"I can and I just did. Goodbye Renée."

"Wait, don't you hang up on me!" Renée shouted

"I have nothing left to say to you." Bella sighed

"What about dress shopping, don't you need me there for that?"

Bella pulled the phone away from her ear and stared at it. Was her mother completely crazy? She'd already said she might not be coming to the wedding, which really meant that she definitely wasn't coming, and now she was talking about going dress shopping…. the woman had clearly lost her mind. So rather than play into whatever game Renée was trying to play, she decided to just hang up.

A second later her phone began to ring and she looked at it to see it was her mother.

"So now you want to talk to me." Bella scoffed as she pressed ignore

A few minutes later Paul came in from patrol to find Bella with her forehead pressed against the table and her cell phone laying there with the battery out.


"Hmmm?" She asked raising her head to look at him

"You ok?" He asked

"Just peachy." She grumbled

"Uh-huh…. Something wrong with your phone?" He asked picking it up to put the battery back in, only to have Bella snatch it from him

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