Chapter 24

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The summer seemed to fly by and before she knew it, Bella was standing in the airport waving goodbye to Ben and Angela. She was sad to see them go but she knew it wouldn't be the last time she saw them and there was always phone calls and email. Another thing that made saying goodbye to them easier was the fact that she had Paul. Over the summer the two had settled into a routine of dinner at the Swan house Monday through Thursday and then Bella would spend the weekend at Paul's. Friday nights were spent around a fire on the beaches of La Push with the pack and the imprints and on some occasions the elders as well. Her bond with Paul grew stronger and she came to see his pack brothers as her own. She had a harder time adjusting to Kim but fell into an easy friendship with Emily and she'd even talked Emily into taking some class at PACC (Port Angeles Community College). Bella's relationship with Jake was still awkward and nothing like what it had once been and she wondered if they would ever get back to being best friends. In the beginning Jake's anger towards her had been hurtful and pained her deeply but though she'd essentially lost Jake, she'd gained and an amazing group of friends that were becoming more like family. And somehow in growing closer to Paul, she had also grown closer to her father.

It may have had something to do with the fact that Paul was more than willing to spend time with Charlie and share his 'Bella time' with him as well; It may have been that Paul had taken to spending every other Saturday morning fishing with Charlie. Or perhaps it was the fact that Paul understood that Bella was Charlie's only child and as far as blood family went, she was all he had left; Paul seemed to understand Charlie's need to hold onto his little girl a little while longer while learning to let go of her at the same time. So Bella never felt like she was having to choose between her boyfriend and father; something she'd always felt she was doing with Edward. Paul had even convinced Bella to spend some of her weekends with Charlie instead of him, even though the both of them knew it drove them crazy being apart for entire weekend.

On one of their weeknight dinners at the Swan house, Charlie broached a subject that they had all been thinking about for quite some time.

"So when should I be expecting you to move out?"

"Are you trying to get rid of me or something?" Bella asked

"Of course not, but I know you won't live here forever. I guess I'd like some time to prepare myself for it." Charlie shrugged

"You never know Dad; I might just decide to live here forever." She grinned

"I think Paul might have something to say about that." Charlie laughed at the look on Paul's face that clearly said he wasn't in agreement with such a thing

"I suppose you're right; and there wouldn't be enough room for the three of us and the kids."

Charlie's eyes widened at this statement, "Kids? What kids?"

"The kids we're going to have after we're married." Bella explained

"Married?" Charlie asked a hint of panic in his voice

"Yes Dad, married. You know that thing that usually comes after moving out of your parents' house and before kids."

Paul had remained quiet through this particular discussion but on the inside he was doing a little happy dance.

'My imprint wants to marry me ….. She wants to have my kids …. I'm going to make babies with my imprint … My imprint is gonna be my wife!'

Bella looked over at Paul and noticed the grin on his face,

"What are you smiling about?"

"You want to have my babies." He replied, his grin growing wider

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