Chapter 35

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It was obvious right away who Kwoli's favorite was; he followed Bella around the house and if she happened to go up the stairs he would try his best to make his way up to her. But he usually failed and would bark and scratch at Paul until he got the message and carried him upstairs to Bella. Paul thought it was annoying, especially when Kwoli managed to wiggle his way in between him and Bella when they were in bed; Bella thought it was adorable how attached he was to her and would glare at Paul when he growled at Kwoli. If it wasn't for the fact that Bella still gave most of her attention to Paul, he would've been jealous of the dog.

It was two days after Christmas and Bella had gone to the store to pick up a few things. While she was gone, Paul decided to have a talk with Kwoli.

Paul picked him up off the floor and held him up so that they were face to face.

"Listen here buddy, I want to have sex with my girl tonight so I'm gonna need you to be a good puppy and leave us alone."

Kwoli cocked his head to the side and stared at Paul.

"I'll make you up a nice little bed right outside our door, ok? And if you're good tonight, I'll give you a nice juicy steak tomorrow."

Kwoli's ears perked up at the mention of the steak and he batted his paws at Paul's face.

"So we have a deal?" He asked

The dog gave a bark and placed his paw on Paul's nose.

Paul put him down in his lap and gave him a pat, "Good doggie."

He grinned and grabbed his phone from the table beside the couch.

"I knew you would be calling soon."

"And how did you know that?"

"Because every time I leave to go to the store you always say you can't think of anything you want or that there isn't anything you want; but then you always ended up calling me and telling me what you want."

"Well this happens to be for your pup."

"Oh really? And what does Kwoli need?"


"Steak? Kwoli needs steak?"

"Mmhmm. We've struck up a deal."

Paul could hear the sound of muffled giggles,

"Are you laughing at me?"

Bella stifled her giggles and composed herself to reply,

"You struck up a deal with my dog? So does that mean you can speak dog now?"

"You can't see it, but I'm sticking my tongue out at you right now."

Bella laughed and shook her head as she made her way to the steaks,

"So what is the deal you two have struck?"

"It involves us and a bed."

"Hmm…. Just a bed?"

"Oh, you got other ideas?"

"A few."

"Well hurry it up so we can test out these ideas of yours."

"Aye Aye Captain."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

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