Chapter 23

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It was the first weekend after Bella's graduation and after talking it over with her father, she would be spending the entire weekend at Paul's house.

"I still can't believe my Dad agreed to this." She said as she packed her bag

"The talk we had when we went fishing, may have helped."

"You guys had a talk? What did you talk about?" Bella asked turning to stare at Paul who was sitting on her bed

"We talked about a lot of things."


"Sorry little swan, can't tell ya."

"Why not?" Bella asked beginning to pout

"Uh huh….that's not gonna work." Paul said shaking his head

"Are you sure?" She asked going into full 'puppy dog pout'

Paul sighed, "Come here little swan."

Bella's pout immediately turned into a grin as she moved to stand between Paul's legs.

Paul reached out and pulled Bella closer to him, lifting her up and placing her on his lap. He brought their bodies as close together as he could get them and moved in until their faces were inches apart.

His breath ghosted across her lips, making her shiver; his tongue darted out to wet his own lips, briefly touching Bella's as well. He could feel the change in Bella's breathing and could hear her heart beating faster. Keeping his eyes on Bella's he kissed her softly then pulled back, giving her only seconds before diving back for a much more heated kiss. When the kiss was over, Bella was dazed and breathing heavily and a smile slowly spread across Paul's face.

"Ready to go?" He asked


Paul chuckled and lifted Bella off his lap, making sure to keep a grip on her waist, and stood. Once he was sure that Bella wasn't going to fall over, he released his grip and moved to grab her bag that she'd left by the closet.

"Come on." He said grabbing her hand and pulling slightly

Bella followed behind him still in a bit of a daze and trying to remember what they had been talking about before the kiss.

It wasn't until they'd reached the car that she managed to snap out of it.

"You jerk!" She exclaimed punching him in the arm

Paul laughed and pulled her against his chest, she struggled against him for a bit before giving in and wrapping her arms around him.

"That wasn't nice Paul." She grumbled

"You're right….forgive me?" He asked

"Just this once." She sighed

"I Love you." Paul grinned

Bella couldn't help but smile, "And I love you too wolf boy."

The ride to Paul's house was spent in comfortable silence and Bella watching the way the muscles in Paul's arm moved when he switched gears.

"After we eat I'll introduce you to Maggie." Paul said, grabbing Bella's bag from the backseat

"Why didn't you show her to me the last time I was here?" Bella asked as she followed behind him

"It was too dark."

Bella wouldn't admit it to Paul, but she was kind of excited about getting to see the car. She'd grown accustomed to driving Lucy and had come to appreciate the beauty that it was, so she could only imagine that Maggie was absolutely gorgeous; at this point she wouldn't mind it one bit if her truck never got fixed.

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