Chapter 10

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The next morning when Paul arrived to work Charlie called him into his office.

"Morning Chief." Paul said as he took a seat in front of Charlie's desk

"I'm just gonna cut to the chase. I talked to Bella and according to her I know everything there is to know."

Paul wasn't sure how he was supposed to respond so he just nodded his head.

"Now it's pretty obvious to me that you and Bella and have some issues between the two of you and I really don't want to be stuck in the middle between you two. So here's what you're going to do, come to dinner tomorrow night and after we've eaten I'm going to leave you and Bella alone so that you can work out your issues."

"Ummm, ok…" Paul replied shocked, this definitely wasn't what he'd expected to happen when he was called into Charlie's office

"Alright, let's get to work." Charlie said

Paul followed him out of the station and into the cruiser. He was dreading the drive through Forks because he was sure it was going to be unbearably awkward. And he didn't understand the point of driving around town anyway….this was Forks after all…..nothing ever happened in Forks.

While Paul was riding around in the cruiser with Charlie, Bella was at school being pestered by Jessica.

"So Bella, I heard some guys from La Push are working with your Dad." Jessica said as they entered the cafeteria

"Of course you have." Bella muttered under her breath


"Nothing Jessica. What do you want?" She sighed

"Well have you met them?"

"One of them. Why?"

"Is he hot? Because I've heard he is and I've seen a few of the guys from down there and they're all pretty hot."

While Jessica talked all Bella could think about was how annoying her voice was and how she really wished she had some duck tape to put over her mouth.

"Bella?" Jessica called

"Uh…oh…umm, yea he's hot I guess." She responded

"I heard he was at your house on Tuesday and had dinner with you guys."

"And where did you hear that? I swear this town is ridiculous; don't people have anything better to do than gossip?"

"So, is he single?" Jessica asked completely ignoring Bella's question

"I don't know and even if I did I wouldn't tell you. Besides if you think the La Push guys are hot then you should see the women; they're all unbelievably gorgeous. So why on earth would he be interested in you when he's got a reservation full of beautiful women?" Bella replied trying to hide her smile at the look on Jessica's face; she looked a bit like she'd swallowed a lemon

Jessica huffed before storming over to sit with Lauren.

Bella just laughed as she paid for her food and headed over to sit with Angela and Ben.

"Hey Bella." Angela said


"So what'd you say to Jessica?" Angela asked


"Well her and Lauren are glaring at you."

"Oh. She was asking about Paul and I basically told her that she had no chance with him because of all those women down on the Rez." Bella explained

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