Glory is now the Queen of the Rainwings and Nightwings and she is without the help of her friends. The other dragonets were running a school, Jade Mountain Academy, and they didn't have time to stop and check in with her. She missed them but she wasn't lonely because she was running her kingdom where many dragons came to ask her questions. It was exhausting! Also, one dragon made sure she wouldn't get bored. Her own amusement and pleasure came from a Nightwing named Deathbringer. Of course he didn't know Glory enjoyed his company but luckily for her, he intended to be her personal guard whether she wanted it or not.
"Hello your majesty," Deathbringer smiled, bowing down to Glory as he came in her hut.
"What's up with you?" Glory asked wondering why he seemed such in a good mood.
"I have once again protected you from the many assainations planned, that is," Deathbringer beamed, "Yes, I know, I'm amazing. You can thank me whenever you want."
"You know, I didn't ask you to protect me. I can tend for myself just fine," Glory claimed. She knew she was definitely able to protect herself but she didn't want Deathbringer to stop anyhow.
"Who will protect you then? Someone has to make sure the queen is safe and out of harm of those viscous Nightwings," Deathbringer joked.
"It doesn't help that you're a Nightwing. Anyway, do you do anything other than 'protecting me?'" Glory said putting up air quotes.
"Yes, I think about you," Deathbringer said. He did one of his cheeky grins which made Glory turn pink for a second until she calmed her scales back to her aqua/green color.
"Stop, you're going to make me barf. Seriously, do you just sit around listening to people's conversations about killing me?" Glory asked. She loved talking to Deathbringer when he would make his stupid jokes.
"Of course baby," Deathbringer smiled again. Glory rolled her eyes but she was able to keep her scales from changing, "I worked out--"
"You're joking," Glory jumped in.
"I'm not!" Deathbringer laughed," Let me show you."
"Please don't," Glory insisted.
"I'm going to show you," Deathbringer said ignoring Glory.
"Great," Glory said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes again but stayed put for deep, down inside her, she actually wanted to see.
Deathbringer stood up on his haunches. He put out his forelegs and flexed his muscles for Glory.
"Ehhhhh..."Deathbringer mused as he sat there showing off.
"Nice, you could almost knock out a frog with those," Glory joked. Her scales had turned a bright, yellow color which Glory left for show.
"Harsh," Deathbringer stated while smiling for he knew Glory was just being playful.
The two just looked at each other for awhile until Glory disappeared. Deathbringer looked around him but couldn't see any sign of Glory.
"Hey! No fair!" Deathbringer exclaimed,"You can't just leave!"
"Why not?" came Glory from behind him who turned back into her normal colored scales and flew out the door. Glory had then flew to her sleeping hammock for the night.
In the morning, Glory awoke to seeing a Nightwing standing right in front of her.
"Woah!" said Glory as she shot a bit of venom off the hammock into the underbrush way below her. "Oh, it's just you," as Glory noticed it was Deathbringer beside her hammock.
"Just me?!?!" Deathbringer huffed sarcastically, "I only saved you many times last night." His cheeky grin was put back on his face.
"Ya, ya. What could I ever do to repay you?" Glory rolled her eyes as she said this but noticed that Deathbringer was getting closer.
"This," Deathbringer answered. Before she knew it, Glory was touching snouts with Deathbringer who had his eyes closed upon her. They were kissing! They then pulled away as they both stared into eachother's eyes. Glory then invited Deathbringer into her hammock where they snuggled for awhile before falling back asleep.
"I knew you didn't hate me," Deathbringer whispered to Glory.
"Oh, I do," responded Glory, happily smiling.
Wings of Fire Fanfictions
FanfictionHey people! As you can see from the title, I'm going to be writing about Wings of Fire Fanfictions. Wings of Fire is a book series by Tui T. Sutherland just in case you wanted to know. I'm seriously addicted to them so I think you should read them t...