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Where am I. I can hear voices, but I don't hear English. I opened my eyes slightly to see three men standing around me. One looked down at me. He was tall and had long, dark brown hair. A crown of a darker gold color. And for some reason, pointed ears.

"Awake I see." His voice was deep and pure as silk. I sat up slowly. I almost fell back down, I was extremely lightheaded. The man who had just spoken leaned down an inch or so away from me and held a small green cup full of a steaming hot liquid to my lips.

"Drink. It will make you feel better."

I took it in my hands and took a log slow sip. It was interesting, it had a minty flavor with a hint of peach in the back ground.

"I appreciate the hospitality but I have a few questions."

"Ask, and I will do my best to answer."

"Where am I and, who are you."

"At the moment you are in the country of Rivendell, pride of the elves. I am Elrond, this is Legolas, and his father Thranduil." He pointed to the two men standing on the other side of the large bed I was in.

Legolas, was tall, lean and muscular. He long platinum blonde hair, light blue eyes and a porcelain completion. He was perfect. His father, standing next to him, looked almost identical to Legolas. His hair was a little lighter which I didn't even know was possible. His eyes were bluer and he was just as perfect as his son. Like Elrond he wore a crown but his was larger and looked like it was made from golden tree branches.

"If I may ask," Thranduil said at last, "who are you, miss."

"My name is Jessica Apgar, I'm not really from around here."

"Well we figured, when you came you were in strange clothes, you were delirious. Also may I ask how it is you came here and how you got so hurt?" Legolas chimed in.

"I'm sorry but I don't really remember. The only thing k really remember is a bright flash and then waking up here.

"Very well, we will let you rest for a while. Call if you need anything." Elrond said.

"Well actually I'm rather hungry."

"Of course I will have some food prepared and I'll have Legolas bring it here." Elrond said.

"Thank you, you are very kind."

Elrond smiled, bowed slightly and left the room.

I laid in the bed unsure of how I got there, who I really was, what was going to happen. I sat pondering when Legolas walked into the room. He was carrying a small mahogany tray. He smiled, his teeth were perfect and his lips full and a rosy pink. He walked over and sat down on a chair next to the bed. He placed the tray down on the bedside table and helped me sit up. His hand held mine firmly and he pulled me up. I leaned against the wall. I looked up into his eyes, lost in the deep blue. He smiled again and it made me blush because I realized I was staring.

"Thank you very much my Lord Legolas, but I feel bad that you are serving me."

"Don't, I do it gladly, and just Legolas is fine. Glad I could be of assistance. Do you need anything else?" He asked with the dazzling smile that captured my heart as he stood up from the chair.

"I'd rather not be alone."

"Of course." He sat back down.

"Tell me about you and your father."

"My father is the king of Mirkwood. This isn't where we live. Lord Elrond rules here. I really don't live anywhere. I used to dwell in Mirkwood, obviously but now I just travel around Middle Earth seeking adventure."

"That sounds wonderful."

Legolas and I sat talking for an hour or so. We talked about his kingdom and all of Middle Earth. I had forgotten about the pain in my body and the problems I had been facing. All I did was focus on the beautiful man who was sitting a few feet from me. "I wonder where this is going." I thought to myself

A Night in RivendellWhere stories live. Discover now