The Truth

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After a while Legolas had to leave. My heart hurt to know that I was going to be without him. He stood up from the chair, he ran his hand up my arm and told me he would return as soon as possible. I nodded and smiled up at him, he returned the smile and walked out the door. I was alone in the large room. I laid down, wrapped myself in the soft blankets and quickly fell asleep.


"Father, why have you called me?"

"What did you learn about the girl?"

"Nothing much, she doesn't remember anything. She seems like a sweet girl, however."

"Don't Legolas."

"Don't what?"

"Don't get involved."

"Why not."

"You remember what happened with Tauriel! She left you for a dwarf who ended up dying, you were devastated."

"Why should you care? You never cared about me or Tauriel! And who says I'm even getting involved?"

"Legolas I care more about you than anyone else. It hurt me more than you can imagine to see you broken hearted. I wanted Tauriel gone before she had the chance to hurt you."

I was speechless. I had always looked at my father as a mirror. A mirror of the person I expected myself to be. The person I was supposed to be, what everyone wanted me to be. I always thought he was...cold, heartless. He showed contempt to dwarves and men. I never expected him to truly open up. My father stood a few feet away from me looking me in the eyes.

"Now you know the truth." He said.

"Father I-"

"You may go."

I stopped, "Of course." I bowed politely and left the room. I felt like I had just seen my father for the first time in my life. As memories of Tauriel came to my mind I felt tears welling up behind my eyes. One flowed down my cheek slowly.

"My Lord, are you alright?" One of Elrond's servants asked me.

"Of course, I'm fine." I wiped the tear away and walked briskly down the corridor. I ran to the room I was given by Lord Elrond. I went over to the bed in the middle of the room and sat down on the edge. Tears started to flow more heavily now. I knew Tauriel was gone and that was what hurt the most. I loved her and I knew from the beginning that she didn't return my feelings. Who knows, I might grow close to Jessica.

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