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Previous Chappie -

I reach over and place my hand over hers. She's surprisingly warm. I turned my head when I hear someone fiddle with the door handle on the outside.

A woman walks in, and looks me dead in the eyes.

"What are you doing here?" She demands, with such hate in her voice.


"I-I..." I stutter.

"Nurse! Who let this boy in here? Who authorized this!" She hollers down the hall.

"No, please." I plead while standing up from the chair. I dare to take a few steps towards her.

"Dont you dare come near me! Your a murderer!"

"I havent killed anyone!"

"Look at Rosalie, she might as well be dead because of you!"

I turn and look at her. Tubes in her mouth, IV in her arm. I couldnt help but break down. Seeing her in this state makes me wish I had never made a move on her. Because of my foolishness, she was here. In this hospital, missing the best years of her life, withering away. Because of me, she might as well be dead.

I storm out the room passing Mrs.Mendez, I turned around looked at her. She was giving me the look of death, but after she saw the tears down my cheeks, her faced softened a bit.

I turn back around and continue to walk down the hall.


Im home alone, sitting on my couch drinking whiskey. My mum was working late tonight and Perrie has vocal rehearsal every Thursday night, so she doesn't know about me visiting Rose while shes out.

Im trying to collect my thoughts, when I hear a knock on the door.

I get up from the couch and peek out the front door peep hole. Its Rosalies mum. What was she doing here?

I open the door. She just stares at me, she looked like she had been crying.

"Zay-" I cut her off.

"What are you doing here?" I say rather rudely but I am tired of the way she treats me. I know everything is my fault but cut me some slack, im dealing with my own hell as well.

"I just thought id come and tell you some good news." She looked at her feet.

"Rosalie woke up!" I ask.

"No, not quite. But after you left I went to her bed and she had her eyes open. She looked at me! She blinked and then closed her eyes. She knew you were there! She knew I was there!"

"This is great!" I laugh.

She smiles, tears beginning to flow down her cheeks. I begin to cry too. I open my arms and gave her a hug. Even though im much taller than her, she seemed especially small.

"Um, would you like to come in?" I ask

"Oh no thanks, I must get going and spread the great news." She turns down my offer politely.

"Thanks for taking the time and telling me this. Despite all thats happened, I appreciate this." I smile.

"No problem. Listen, Zayn I dont want to have this big fued anymore. You were good to my daughter, I know you really loved her. Im just trying to do the right thing." She gave me a soft sweet smile.

"I dont want to fight either. And I still love her with all my heart, I never stopped. I visit her every Thursday night if you didnt know. I just miss her.."

"Mmhmm." I hear someone clear their throat. I look behind Mrs. Mendez and see Perrie leaning against the house. How long has she been there?

Mrs. M looks behind her and sees Perrie.

"Well I better leave, Zayn." She gave me a quick hug and then left.

Perrie walked out of the shadows and stepped up to me.

"Well thanks for telling me the truth babe, I love finding things out through other people." She walks away and gets in her car and drives off.

All I could think about was Rosalie and how she had made some kind of improvement!


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