Ch. 41

44 3 0

Its been ages and i sincerely apologize


*Rosalies pov*

Do I dare answer his call? What if its a half ass apology just so he can get off on breaking my heart? I dont take any chances.

I let my phone ring, letting the voicemail go on.

Hm, maybe he left a voicemail.

My phone starts to ring again. Oh, how I wanted to hear his sweet angelic accent. I needed to be strong, but with Zayn...I grew weak.

I slided the lock screen, answering my phone.

"Hello?" I said in a tone I wish was more assertive.

"Rose love, I need to desperately talk to you. In person." He speaks in a calm composed voice.

"I-I dont think thats a good idea." I stutter. Shit, I hope he cant tell im nervous.

"Please. Im begging." He pleads.

"Fine. When and where?" I ask not so politely.

"In about a half an hour, Ill pick you up."

"Ill be waiting." I hang up. Was that to bitchy? Well he deserved it.

I threw my phone and hopped off my bed.

Making my way to my closet, I grab a pair of denim short shorts and a white crop top. Its hot outside and its a perfect excuse to show Zayn what hes lost.

I hear a knock and my mom walks in.

"Where are you going Mija?" She asks.

"Zayns picking me up so he can explain himself, I guess."

"Oh." She says nervously. "Well you cant go."

"Woah! Why not?" I question.

"Because..." She pauses. "I said so."

"Mom! Please, I love Zayn and if there is one small chance of us being taking it!" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Not if I say you can, and I don't." She walks out my room. What the hell is her problem.

I text Zayn, telling him my new plan.

To Zayn: Hey change of plans. Park a block away from my house and text me when you get there.

From Zayn: You got it babe.

I plan on sneaking out my window down the ladder intertwined with the roses on the side of the house and making my way to his car.

It was already 4pm and I really didnt need my mom walking in my room while im gone.

My phone goes off.

From Zayn: K babe Im here.

Before I go I holler at my mom to come to my room.

"What?" She asks.

"Can you go to the drug store and pick up my medicine, my head is killing me!" I lie.

"Mija! Its summer! The traffic is so packed." She complains.

"Please...Ouch!" I rub my temples even though I was in no pain whatsoever.

"Okay, okay. Ill go. Just lay down and rest " She heads back down stairs.

Congratulating myself because of my genious acting. Her leaving will buy me about 45 minutes to an hour depending on the traffic today, and its California everywhere takes forever to get to.

I make my way down the ladder and jog down the street, searching for Zayns car. I soon spot it and walk over. He opens the door from the inside, letting me in.

I look at him, the sun beaming off of his olive skin and how every time he blinks his long lashes brush his cheeks. I missed him dearly. His touch, his sweetness, when he smiles so hard the small dimples beneath his eyes show.

"Rose..I-I need to tell you something."

I just stare at him waiting for him to continue.

"Im gonna say it all at once so please listen." He takes a deep breath then speaks again. "Okay, I came to visit you and when i got to your house your mum stopped me and told me to never come back. That I wasnt good for you and the accident was 100% my fault. And I do take blame Rose, I do. She said she would tell you that I didnt want to be with you anymore and that our relationship was over. She basically banned any contact i had with you. Rosalie Mendez, I love you more than anything. I would never ever dream of hurting you in such a way. Please forgive me, I shouldnt of listened to her. But, a mother knows best so I trusted her, thinking she knew what she was doing."

I was in total shock! Never in my life did I think my own mother could ever betray me.

I just sat there over thinking everything he just said.

"Rosie, please say something."


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