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Laurence fell asleep at around 6:30, waking up again around 11. He went downstairs to get something to eat but soon remembered they had no food.

"Guys!" He yelled while putting on a jacket, "I'm going to King Soopers does anyone need anything?" There was a second of silence.

"TOOTHPASTE!" Garroth called from upstairs.

Travis peeked his head up from the basement, "Dude I'm trying to sleep," he yawned. Laurence shrugged and grabbed his wallet and keys.

Y/n really hated alarms, especially when it meant she had to go to work. She groaned and rolled over, turning off her alarm clock and pulled herself out of bed. She dragged her feet as she walked downstairs; man she hated being up at 9 am.

She started the coffee machine and scanned her pantry for anything good to eat. She decided on waffles again after checking her freezer, popping them in the toaster just as her coffee finished.

"Good timing leads to a good day," she mumbled to herself as she waited by the toaster, sipping from her second favorite mug; her favorite was dirty.

Her cat, Panda, came lurking around the corner, meowing for food. Y/n rolled her eyes and dumped some dry food in his bowl. He purred happily as he chowed down.

After showering, she got dressed in her uniform and made her way to work. When she walked into the staff room, her best work friend met her with a concerned smile.

"Hey," she said wearily yet still cheerful. "Did you lose a fight?"

"Only to my car door," Y/n groaned.

Y/n generally found her job boring but it paid the bills. She stocked shelves and answered questions to lost customers. Mostly it was just old people asking where the bread is and keeping kids out of the lobster tank.

She was making an apple pyramid when she saw that guy from last night. Ohhhh my Irene. This is gonna get super awkward if he sees me. Ohhh no he looks like he needs help. She turned away and continued the apple stack.

"Excuse me, miss?" she heard a male voice behind her ask. Cringing on the inside, she turned around.

"Hi, do you need any help?" Y/n said sweetly, as her employer forced her to.

"This might sound like a stupid question, but where is the toothpaste?" He doesn't realize it's me. OH MY IRENE HE DOESN'T REALIZE IT'S ME.

"Um, it's in the back, left corner." Y/n said, pointing in the general direction.

"Thanks. Hey, are you the girl from last night?" I THOUGHT I WAS IN THE CLEAR NOOO.

"Heh, yeah, that'd be me," she tried to play it off as best she could. He chuckled.

"How's your face?" he asked with a charming grin.

"Hurts less," she gave him a small smile, not wanting to split her lip more.

"Say, I'm not exactly sure where the toothpaste is. Can you take me there?" He asked with a smirk.

"Uh, sure," she responded, setting the apple in her hand down on the stack.

"So Y/n is your name, huh?" He asked, falling into step with Y/n.

She looked down at her name tag and back up at him. "How did you know?" she asked sarcastically.

"Lucky guess," he grinned.

"Is there anything else you need?" Y/n asked when they arrived in the correct isle.

"Haha nah I'm good. Have a good day." He replied, smiling.

Y/n went back to the produce area, a dreamy look on her face. However, when she arrived, a group of kids, probably around ten years old, were throwing the apples (also other fruit but Y/n really only cared about her masterpiece). Y/n sighed.

"Hey! You can't do that! You guys have to pay for those!" Y/n shouted, knowing she was about to lose her job.

"Make us!" one of them called out.

"I'll tell your parents!" she threatened. They seemed unfazed at this.

"Hey guys! Get her!" Another one of them shouted. The look of fear swept over Y/n's face. Apples started flying towards her. She held her hands in front of her face and tried to yell things to stop them.

"Hey! You guys better knock it off," someone called from behind her. Soon enough, the guy from earlier was at her side, picking up an apple off the floor and hitting the ring leader square in the stomach with it.

"Oh my god I'm so going to lose my job," Y/n said to herself before bursting out laughing.

"Are you okay?" He asked after the kids scurried away.

"Yeah I think I'm fine. But those apples are like rocks," she complained with a slight smile, rubbing her arm. He was about to say something but the overhead speaker came on.

"Y/n L/n come to the front please," it said.

"Great. There goes my job," she sighed before leaving the guy to go to her boss' office. It said the front but that basically means his office.
She knocked on the door and popped her head in.

"Mr. Trump. You needed me?" she asked.

"Yes. You're fired," He replied simply.

"Good, deuces." She shot him a peace sign and left.

She went to the staff room and grabbed her bag and left her uniform jacket there. As she walked out of the store, Y/n saw the kids crying to their parents.

"M-mommy she y-yelled at m-m-me!" They cried. Their moms gave dirty looks. Y/n felt bad for the kids and how they were being raised.

"Damn straight," she said to a mom as Y/n walked past them. "Make your kid less of a cunt."

Y/n was called to the front so Laurence went to checkout. When he was walking to the doors, he saw her with a bag in hand, going to the other doors.

When he got back home, Laurence walked in and saw Dante searching the fridge.

"What too you so long? I'm starving," he complained.

"Bad traffic," he lied, shrugging. He seemed to have bought it. Dante said he would bring in the groceries and put them all away so Laurence got started on breakfast.


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