Chapter 16

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  The cake was beautiful. My kitchen however, not so much.
"I think we did great." Laurance said.
"I think we made a mess." I replied. I checked the time and my phone and saw it was 3:00 pm.
"Let's go over and give this to Katelyn." I said. Before we left, Laurance decided to put icing on my nose.
"Is that how it's gonna be?" I asked him. He just smiled. I got a dab of icing on my finger and put it on his cheek.
"Let's go!" I said cheerfully.
"Fine." He replied. "But I'm going to get you back later."
Laurance and I walked down to Aphmau's house and knocked on the door. I heard yelling from upstairs. So Katelyn is home.
Katelyn soon came to answer the door. She looked mad.
"Before you yell at us! We made you a cake as an apology." I said, holding out the cake. Katelyn inspected it and finally took it from us.
"This better be really good." She said before she shut the door.
"I think that went well." Laurance said.
"I agree."
  Laurance and I walked back to my house. When we walked in, I realized that I now needed to clean.
  "We have a mess to clean up now." I said as I went to my cupboards to get cleaning supplies.
"How did it even get this messy?" Laurance asked.
"Maybe from when you threw the bag of flour at me, but I ducked and it exploded on the wall." I told him.
"Possibly, but we will never know for sure." He answered.
"Oh, please. We both know that's why the kitchen is wrecked. You just don't want to admit it." I threw at rag at his face.
He laughed and answered "Or maybe when you scared me when I was blending the batter and it went everywhere."
"Okay, okay. It's both of our faults." I put my hands up in surrender.
  We both laughed. I turned on my radio and started dancing like and idiot. I can't dance or sing whatsoever but it's still fun. Laurance just laughed and started to dance and sing with me. It was a good time, really. We continued cleaning while singing our heads off.
Time skip! :P
  It was around 5:00 pm after we got done. I threw my rag in the dirty clothes hamper and collapsed on the couch.
  "I'm not used to dancing and cleaning at the same time." I told him.
  "I thought you were adorable." Laurance said as he sat down next to me. Me cheeks turned a light pink. I got up before I get more embarrassed.
"Well I'm going to go shower, you can stay or leave, I don't really care." I told him.
"Wait." He stood up too. "I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?" He asked hesitantly.
"I'd love to." My cheeks burned a noticeable red. He chucked at the fact I was actually blushing. I don't blush too often.
"Well I'm going to go then, I'll pick you up at 8 tonight." He said as he walked to the door. "Wear something nice." He then left, but not before flashing a smile at me. I inner fangirled for a solid 3 minutes.
"Wait I need to get ready!" I thought out loud. I raced up stairs and took a quick shower. When I came out, I had no clue what to wear. I didn't own any dresses because I've never been invited to an occasion that required one. I decided to call Aphmau.
Y: heyyyy Aphmau
A: you are starting to sound like Travis. Now what's up?
Y: well I might have a date and I might not have a dress
Aphmau hung up before I had the chance to reply.
I waited what seemed like forever for her to come. She finally rang my doorbell. I got up and opened and the door. Aphmau ran inside with a lot of dresses, most of them being purple.
"Come on!" She dragged me upstairs to my room.
"Who is it with? Laurance?" She asked eagerly.
"Yeah..." I answered.
"MY SHIP!!!" She squealed. "Okay. We need to get you ready. How long do we have?" I checked my phone.
"2 hours."
"Okay. That's good that we aren't crushed for time." She held some dresses up to me and chose out 5 that she liked.
"Okay, that doesn't really narrow it down any." I told her.
"Okay we'll pick your favorite ls out of these." She laid the dresses out on the bed. There were two purple ones, two f/c ones, and a(n) 2/f/c one. The two
f/c ones caught my eye, of course. One was about down to my knees that was more frilly. The other was more of a gown, more elegant. They both had silver accents on them. They both were sleeveless too.
"I like that one." I said, pointing to the one I liked. "But I'm going to wear a jacket with it."
Aphmau put the other four in the no pile. "Go try it on!" She cheered. I went into the bathroom and put it on. It was beautiful.
I came out and Aphmau's jaw dropped. "You look gorgeous! Now time for hair and makeup."
She took me to my desk and realized I don't have a mirror. I only had my gaming stuff on it.
"Where do you put on your makeup if your desk is covered?" She asked.
"In my bathroom. Where do you or yours on?"
"My desk. Where you are supposed to."
"My desk is for gaming and gaming only. If I used makeup over here, I would be bound to get something on it. I want this stuff to stay nice." We both went into my bathroom and she started putting on my makeup. She didn't put on too much, just mascara, eye liner, really good eye shadow that matched my dress, and a little bit of concealer.
"Wow you are good at this." I told her after taking a look at my self.
"Now hair~!" She sung. She brought out a curling iron and curled my hair. (If your hair is already curly, she straightened it. If your hair is unable to be curled or straightened, imagine this isn't here.)
"You look so good!" She fangirled once more. She handed me a 2/f/c jacket that went well enough with my dress.
"Thank you but you need to go before Laurance gets here." I told her.
"Right. I'll just go out your back door and hop a few fences." She said seriously.
"With dresses in your arms?" I questioned her.
"It's not like I haven't done it before."
"I...don't want to know." I said while shaking my head. "Just go."
She left out my back for and somehow managed to get over my fence. She is insane.

Word count: 1182

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