Chapter 13

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  Hehehe... Pranks. I heard three knocks on my door. I ran over and opened it to see Laurance.
"What did you want me for at 11:00 o'clock at night?" He asked.
"Okay. So I was playing games and all and I got kind of bored and so I got some toast. At this point I was still bored but then an idea popped into my head!" I explained.
"And that would be...?" Laurance said, urging me to continue.
"We are going to play pranks on people!" I cheered. Laurance's face immediately lit up.
"I'd be glad to help." He tried to say nonchalantly. I knew he was excited though.
"Great! Come on!" I dragged him inside.
He sat down on my couch as I began to look for more food.
"So who should we prank first?" He asked.
"Hmm... I was thinking one of the guys first. Dante maybe?" I said as I pulled out a hidden can of Pringles.
"Hehe alright. I think when I left all the guys were in their rooms so it won't be too hard. Plus I have a key to the house." He told me.
"Alright. Let me grab some stuff and we'll be going." I replied. I ran upstairs and grabbed the appropriate pranking materials. Chalk bombs, silly string, toilet paper, creepy masks, and more. You know, simple stuff. I shoved it all into a bag, along with the Pringles and headed downstairs. I grabbed my black hoodie and slipped it on.
"Ready!" I squealed as I hopped in front of Laurance.
"Let's go!" He said with a broad smile.
We ran over to the guy's house and wondered what to do first.
"We could Saran Wrap Dante's car." Laurance suggested.
"Oooh yes!" I sling my bag off my shoulder and looked around in it. I finally found the Saran Wrap and tossed it to Laurance.
This is going to be hilarious.
After about 30 minutes Laurance and I took a step back to look at our creation.
"Shouldn't we tag it, letting him know we did it." Laurance said. I nodded cause I just shoved like 10 Pringles into my mouth at once.
  I pulled out the can of silly string and tried to write out '~Y/n and Laurance
  "Who's next?" I asked.
  "I would say Katelyn but someone would get punched." Laurance replied
"We could prank the girls. We could turn off their power or something." I said.
  He smiled broadly. "Sounds good."
  We ran across the street and walked into their garage. They usually leave t open so we just walked in. I soon found the fuse box and flipped all the switched off.
  "Hide!" I whisper yelled to Laurance. We both dived behind some boxes before we heard Katelyn yelling.
  "GUYS THE POWER IS OUT!" She yelled.
  "GO FIX IT THEN." Aphmau yelled back.
  "KAWAII~CHAN! IF YOU GO FIX THE POWER I'LL TELL YOU AARMAU OR (your and Laurance's ship name) STORIES!" Katelyn basically screamed. I shuttered.
  "We can't let Kawaii~Chan fox the power." I whispered to Laurance.
  "I don't mind." Laurance whispered back with a smirk.
  A few seconds later I heard someone running down the stairs. Then the door leading into the garage opened up, revealing Kawaii~Chan holding a flashlight.
  Laurance and I were out of sight so we were safe. For now.
  Kawaii~Chan flipped all the switches back and the house came to life. She turned off her flashlight and went back in.
  "I have an idea." I said, turning to Laurance.
  "Would that be flipping them again and again until they are so freaked out?" He asked.
  "Maybe." I said with a smirk.
  As soon a I knew Kawaii~Chan was in her room, I got up and went back to the fuse box. I could hardly contain my giggles.
  I flipped the switches again and ran back to my hiding spot. Laurance was also trying to stifle a laugh.
  "KAWAII~CHAN DID!" She yelled back with a worried tone.
  "OBVIOUSLY NOT GOOD ENOUGH." Katelyn scolded.
  "I'LL FIX IT." I heard a grumpy Aphmau yell.
  I soon heard someone coming down the stairs again, probably Aphmau.
  She came into the garage and flipped the switches again. The house's light and electronics came back on and she left.
  "Do you have duct tape?" Laurance asked.
  "Of course." I said, whipping it out.
  "I have another idea. We turn the power off again but we then duct tape the box shut. They will start to worry. Before they come down though, you will go into the house and somehow freak them out." Laurance explained.
  I snickered at the thought. "Sounds fun." I said while getting up.
  We went over to the box and opened it up, putting tape in the door thing. Since we won't have much time, we have to duct tape the door, turn off the power, and then put the door duct tape on the side of the box.
  Laurance taped the box door and signaled me to hide in their house somewhere.
I opened the door quietly and looked around, making sure no one was out here. I darted to their basement, hoping no one was down there either.
I shut the door behind me and looked around. Good. Just me.
I hid behind some boxes in case they came down there.
All of a sudden the power went off. I heard muffled yells from the top floor. I just hoped Laurance doesn't get caught. I tried to listen in the conversation.
"...duct tape?" Someone said.
".....basement.... No way..... Locked?" Is all I could pick up. Wait? Are they coming to the basement? What is locked?
Before I could dwell on it I heard the basement door creek open and Aphmau whining.
"But it's scary down here!" She shouted.
"Don't care. Just get the lanterns." Sounded like Katelyn. Aphmau didn't see me, but got closer and closer.
She opened up a box too close for comfort. She pulled it some lanterns and went back upstairs.
I sighed a breath of relief. I pulled out my phone and texted Laurance.
Y: what did you lock?
L: the garage door and I managed to jam the front and back door
Y: can they get the box open?
L: nope
Y: nice. I'm gonna try to scare the living day lights out of them. Let's hope I don't get punched 😂
L: good luck with that
I turned off my phone screen and shoved it into my pocket. I pulled up my hood and got up. I snuck up the stairs and cracked the door to see who was out there. No one yet.
I crept out and hid behind a plant. It was too dark to see me and no one paid attention to plants.
I reached into my bag and pulled out purple, pink and blue chalk bombs.
I saw Aphmau coming down the stairs and I threw a purple one right in front of her. Her scream was priceless. There was a bright purple mark on their stairs now.
Katelyn came rushing down and looked at Aphmau's frightened face.
"What happened?" She asked.
Aphmau pointed to the chalky mess. Katelyn's face turned from serious to complete confusion.
".......where did that come from?" Katelyn asked.
"I-I don't know but I'm scared!" Aphmau said.
I decided to throw a blue one near Katelyn to freak her out more.
Kawaii~Chan soon came out of her room.
"What does Katelyn~Sama want?" She asked.
"Did you do this?" Katelyn said pointing to the colored spots.
"No. Why would Kawaii~Chan do that?" Kawaii~Chan's voice filled with concern.
"I'm calling the guys." Aphmau said, pulling out he phone. No no no. They can't come! Dante would see his car too early!
I threw the pink chalk bomb at Aphmau's phone. Her once purple phone case, was now coated pink... And on the floor.
"NOPE NOPE NOPE." They all said in unison and ran up to Aphmau's room.
I snickered and texted Laurance again.
Y: come on through the living room window. I'm gonna need some more help
L: don't you think we've scared them enough?
Y: no
L: alright. Fine
I heard the window creek open. Laurance carefully came in. I got up from my hiding spot and grabbed Aphmau's phone.
"What happened here?" Laurance whispered.
"Chalk bombs." I answered bluntly.
He nodded and went upstairs. I followed him and saw him go into Katelyn's room. He climbed out the window.
"Don't worry. I'm going to Aph's window. Write some scary stuff on the walls and text me when you're done." He said. I nodded and grabbed a f/c marker.
I wrote stuff from that Doctor Who episode. 'Blink' was the name.
'Aphmau, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, DUCK, NOW!
And don't blink'
I snickered to myself and found a new hiding spot. I pulled out my phone and texted Laurance.
Y: heheheh all good here
L: okay
I pulled out my empty Pringles can and water bottle. I soon heard screams and saw them run out of the room. They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw what was written on the wall.
"Aphmau, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan..." Aphmau said. They exchanged glances.
"Duck now?" I heard Katelyn say. I chucked my empty Pringles can at them and hit the wall above their heads. Next time they better duck....
"OH IRENE. Beware the beast?! No no no. What beast?" Aphmau flipped out.
  "Duck?" Kawaii~Chan said. I threw the water bottle right at them and thankfully, they ducked.
  Their eyes widened.
  "Don't blink." Katelyn finished.
  "Who's the beast?" Aphmau asked.
  I came out of my spot and crept up behind them.
  "Me." I whispered in Aphmau's ear. They all jumped and turned around.
  "Y/N I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Katelyn screamed.
  I yelped and ran. "LAURANCE LET'S GO!" I yelled. I hope he heard. I flew out the door and was soon met by Laurance running next to me.
  "Y/N YOU'RE DEAD!" I heard Katelyn from behind us. I turned around and saw her running after us.
  "Laurance." I gulped.
  "Yeah?" He answered.
  "I think tonight is the night we die...." I said.
  "Maybe." He replied with a slight chuckle.
  We got to my house and I booked it in. Laurance came in and I slammed the door shut behind him, locking it.
  "Well that was fun." I said with a smile, trying to catch my breath.

So this was super long but really cause I got caught up in it. But I had fun writing it so I hope you guys enjoy it!

Word count: 1827

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