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Y/n woke up to her phone going off in her hand. She answered it and with trying to sound like she didn't just wake up, said, "Hello?"

"Hello, Mrs. L/n, this is Shane again from Austin's. We have decided to look into other applicants."

"Oh, okay. Thank you for calling." She felt like a dog that just got yelled at.

"Yeah, have a good day." She hung up and shoved her safe back into the pillow.

"Who was that, Y/n~Sama?" KC asked from her sleeping bag on the floor.

"Just the person from my job interview yesterday. They rejected me," she said with a little laugh. She always tried to make light of bad situations, although now she had no way to pay rent.

"You can still be a maid at the café!" She replied cheerfully. Y/n brought her head up and looked at Kawaii~Chan desperately.

"When can I start?"

Laurence woke up to the sound of Garroth yelling something.

"Shut up! People are trying to sleep!" Laurence shouted back.

"WE'RE GONNA BE LATE," he yelled back. Laurence racked his brain and for the life of him couldn't remember anything they had to go to at 10 am.

Alas, he still got up and got dressed to make Garroth happy. He slumped down stairs and glared at Garroth as he started to make a bowl of cereal.

Y/n and Kawaii~Chan drove to the maid café where she was showed the basics. It wasn't quite hard, Y/n was just worried about pay.

"How much does this pay?" She questioned.

"$20 an hour to start!" KC replied cheerfully. Y/n's jaw nearly hit the floor. At her old job, they only paid her $15 an hour and that was after raises. Her house was paid for by her grandma before she died so she only needed to pay rent on the plot of land, plus utilities and phone so this would give her a little extra money.

"Oh my god, wow, that's a lot." Y/n smiled as she ran a hand through her hair.

"Can Y/n~Sama start this afternoon?" KC asked.

"Yeah, sure thing," Y/n replied, still smiling. Hopefully this seemingly great job doesn't have a catch.

"Great! Oh, Kawaii~Chan almost forgot!" She darted to the back and returned with a folded heap of cloth. "Y/n~Sama's uniform!"

"Sick, thanks."

"Kawaii~Chan is gonna stay here to do some manager things. See Y/n~Sama tonight!"

Y/n smiled at her in agreement and took off for her car. Her phone started to buzz; she was added into a group chat. She tossed her phone into her back seat and decided she would look at it later.

After pulling into her driveway, Y/n gathered the stuff she had brought to Aphmau's last night and went inside. She was reminded of the group chat by her phone going off non stop.

(In case you don't know, A=Aphmau, L=Laurance, G=Garroth, K~C=Kawaii~Chan, K=Katelyn, T=Travis, D=Dante, Y=Y/n)

A: Hey!!!
G: Hi
K~C: Hello!
T: Sup
D: Hola
K: What do you want?
A: So I was thinking we could all go to the mall together and just hang out sometime this weekend
L: Uh sure
G: I'm fine with that
K: Whatever
D: Okay
T: As long as you're there, Katelyn
K~C: Kawaii~Chan ships it! Kawaii~Chan would love to come too!
K: Kawaii~Chan you better not ship anything with me or Travis!
T: Come on, baby~
Y: Yeah I'm down
K: Travis shut up
Y: Wait three of us work at the maid café now and I'm sure most of you have jobs too so how are we all supposed to get off for "sometime this weekend"
A: How about we go get lunch around noon and then go to the mall after on Saturday
T: Wait a minute who is the third who works at the maid café now?
KC: Y/n~Sama!

Travis looked up from his phone and directly at Laurence, who was sitting across the room. He wiggled his eyebrows as Laurence sat there, daydreaming.

"Earth to Laurence, you there?" Travis asked with a smirk. "You imagining the girl of your dreams in the maid outfit?"

Laurence snapped out of it. "What? No, she's not—I mean she is kinda—but there's still that other-" he fumbled over his words before Travis interrupted.

"So you're saying I could take a shot at her?" He raised his eyebrows with another smirk.

"I didn't say that!"

"So you're into her."


"I guess we'll just have to visit the maid café and see for ourselves." Laurence rolled his eyes before returning back to the group chat.

KC: And don't worry, Kawaii~Chan will make sure to get Aphmau~Senpai and Y/n~Sama off
K: I'm pretty sure none of the guys have jobs
D: I work at Roller Land
K: so that's 1/4 good job guys
Y: Where do you work Katelyn?
K: I'm an actress
A: By that she means she doesn't have a job
K: Hey! Acting is a job!
G: Not when you don't have anything to act for LOL

Y/n got a text from outside of the group chat from Laurence. Why we whispering?

L: you free this afternoon?
Y: no I gotta work :/
L: rip I was hoping you could come over and play video games with the guys and I lol
Y: dang that sounds like fun
Y: maybe next time haha

"So you're telling me you asked her out on a date-" Travis started.

"It's not a date," Laurence interrupted. "I asked if she wanted to come over to play games with us."

"So a date—and she said she has to work. That's perfect! Let's all go over to the maid café this afternoon," Travis decided.

"I wonder is Aphmau will be there," Garroth pondered as he joined the two boys in the living room.


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