Chapter 18

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Ahaha... Sorry for not updating recently. I would tell you an excuse but really I'm just lazy af

  Travis got a really creepy grin on his face. This isn't going to be good, is it?
"Alright. The year was 1692." Travis started. "People were just settling in America. This was pretty rough considering they had no technology whatsoever. Now these people were very strict on everyone. Everyone was expected to work, even children. Everyone had to go to church and stay perfectly quiet during the whole service, even toddlers. Children were not allowed to play because they thought it was the work of the devil. If anyone disobeyed the rules, they would be punished severely. If someone stole something and were caught, they would be beading with a hot metal 'T' on their hands, standing for thief. Employers would see it and not hire them. Some other people who stole got their hands or fingers cut off so they would never steal again. Other people who disobeyed the rules were publicly shamed and beaten. There were many more cruel and gruesome forms of punishment but we are not going to get into those. Now, one day, there wee two little girls, about 6 years old. They had finished their work and snuck off to the forest to play. They were playing and weren't paying attention. An old woman came up behind them and scolded them and brought them to the leaders of the town. The girls, not knowing what pain and anguish they would cause, told the leaders that they were possessed by the devil. They said that a witch had done something to them and MADE them play. The leaders believe it. They made the girls tell them who the witches were. The girls identified 4 women to be witches. Those women were taken to the town square and beaten. They them took them to the bridge and hung them, draping their bodies into the river. If they died then they weren't witches. If they lived then they were witches and were killed. Three out of the four died in the river. However, one lived. She cursed everyone that tried to kill her. They stabbed her and went on with their day to day lives. Those same people who were cursed, though, were tortured every night. They had lucid nightmares, dying over and over again, the same way the witch died. Some went insane and killed themselves. Others had more gruesome ways of expressing their fear. Some even clawed their eyes out," Travis finished.
  "That wasn't scary!" I argued. "I'll tell a really scary story."
  "It was too! You just didn't imagine it right." Travis crossed his arms.
"One day--" I was cut off by something loud in the kitchen. "Seriously?!"
I got up with the guys and walked to the kitchen. When we walked in we all gasped. There was a tree branch sticking in through the window, making the rain pour in.
"We need to stop the rain from coming in," Said Laurance.
"Yeah. I don't think a towel is gonna do it either," I said.
"I don't think we have anything that will block it," Dante told us.
"Especially with that branch in the way," Garroth added.
"I've got an idea. Do you guys have duct tape?" I asked them.
"Uh yeah why?" Travis asked.
"Cause I can fix this temporally," I told them.
Travis rummaged through a drawer and pulled out a brand new roll of duct tape.
My idea was simple. It was to cover the part where the window was in duct tape.
I walked over to the window and started taping it. It was a little difficult considering there was a branch in the way.
"Oh I get it. You're trying to seal it off with the tape," Dante said as I was finishing up.
"Yeah. After the storm passes you guys can get a new window but this will keep the heat in here and water can't come in," I explained.
"Nice thinking, Y/n," Laurance told me.
  "Thanks," I replied with a grin.
  "So what should we do now since ghost stories failed?" Dante asked.
  "Well we could-" Garroth was interrupted by a huge clap of thunder. I might have accidentally screamed. I also might have been scared of thunder.
  "Y/n, are you okay? Don't tell me you're scared of thunder!" Laurance laughed a little.
"I'm not scared of thunder!" I argued. "It's just a warning that lighting might hit us. Yeah that's it."
"Okay.... Whatever you say," Laurance said.

Hello my smol beans. I know this is a super short chapter but I needed to get one out. I know I said I would be posting more in the summer but I guess I was wrong. I might take a break on this book. I just feel like for how many chapters I've published, there just aren't enough people enjoying it. THIS IS NOT THE END. I will still post but it might not be as soon as you all would like. Sorry.
Word count: 848

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