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Y/n kicked herself for losing her job, but to be fair, she hated working there. She went home and got online to see who was hiring. She wasn't about to work at a fast food place so that took those out. Not at a daycare either. Receptionist? No. She needed a job that could actually pay for bills, not just some job a teenager would have, too.

Her dream job is to be a chef, ever since she was a kid. In high school she took the catering classes and then took a class at a community college her senior year for cooking. She didn't have enough money for culinary school but maybe she would have enough experience to land a job at a nice place. She used to work at Olive Garden but there were too many annoying customers that were obsessed with free bread sticks that she just couldn't stand it anymore.

She got up and grabbed her keys from the yellow clay bowl and went out to her car. She pondered where a nice place would be when she saw a cat girl putting up posters on telephone poles. The girl spotted Y/n and cheerfully came over to her.

"Hello! Kawaii~Chan was wondering if you would like to work at the new maid cafe?" She asked sweetly. "We need more waitresses."

"Uh, sorry, I'm not really the waitress type," Y/n responded with a shy smile.

"Here, take an application anyway!" She squealed as she shoved a paper into Y/n's hand, prancing off without another word.

Y/n tossed the paper into the passenger seat and drove down town, stopping at the first restaurant she saw, some Italian place. She got an application, filled it out, and returned it. This continued with just about every other restaurant in town.

Just for kicks, Y/n filled out the waitress application and turned it in. If she couldn't land a job anywhere else, that's what she could turn to.

When she got home, she was extremely bored. Naturally, she decided to play some Call of Duty.

About a week had passed and she had still heard nothing from any job she applied to.

She was right about to join a match but her doorbell rang. She opened her door and saw her friend she hadn't talked to in what seemed like forever, Nicole.

"Hey, Nicole! I haven't seen you in a long time. What brings you here?" She asked her.

"Well some friends and I are going to the arcade just cause and Katelyn is sick. Do you want to come?" She asked. Y/n found this a little odd that out of the blue she would want her to come play games but whatever.

"Uh sure, I'd love to." Y/n responded. It's not like she had anything better to do except play video games at home so why not.

She grabbed her bag and followed Nicole out to her truck. She was going to drive herself but Nicole insisted.

When they got there, she looked around and saw who else was there. A girl with raven black and amber eyes seemed to be the leader of the group. The girl that gave her the application and a lilac cat girl were there. A guy with jet black hair and a mask covering his mouth was standing off to the side. Another guy with black hair was here but he was wearing a jacket with no shirt underneath. A girl with long orange and yellow hair was standing next to a witch with orange hair. There was a guy with blue hair talking to a guy with blonde hair and-was that- her thoughts were cut short when a guy with white hair walked up to her.

"Heyyyy baby~" He said, getting closer to her. Y/n backed away some but he got closer. "What's your name?" He asked her flirtatiously.

"Y/n and if you don't back up I'm going to punch you," she replied bluntly. His eyes went wide and he backed off.

"Feisty," his demeanor returning back to what it was, "I like it." At this point everyone was looking at Y/n.

"Uh, hi," she said to the newly formed crowd.

"She's my old friend, Y/n," said Nicole, breaking the silence.

"Hi, Y/n! I'm Aphmau!" The girl with black hair said. "This is Kawaii~Chan, Michi, Zane, Aaron, Cadenza, Lucinda, Dante, Garroth, Laurance, and Travis." She said, pointing to everyone as she said their names. Y/n gave them a shy smile and a wave. This is a lot of people.

The group started to split up. Nicole left Y/n for the guy with blue hair, rude. Travis soon got up and went with Lucinda. Everyone else was paired up except for Laurance and I. Y/n was pretty sure he stayed behind so he could be with her, but she didn't mind too much.

"Well, looks like it's just me and you." He said, smirking.

"Fine, it's not like I know anyone else." She laughed. "Where to first?" She didn't really mind being with him, he was really hot and really nice, after all.

"Do you like ski ball?" He asked her.

"I love ski ball!" she exclaimed. The two went over to the ski ball area; Nicole and Lucinda were there too. Dante and Travis were watching them play. Y/n put in a coin and watched the balls roll down the slot.

Y/n seemed really excited to play so Laurence just stood back with the other guys and watched.

"So Dante, you and Nicole, huh?" Laurence teased.

"Heh yeah," replied Dante sheepishly.

"Is that why she was over the other night?" Laurence asked with a grin. Dante turned pink.

"How did you know about that?" Dante questioned.

"Dude, you fell asleep on the couch together and I saw you guys at like 5 o'clock in the morning."

"Why were you out at 5 am?" Travis asked.

"Couldn't sleep and I got hungry. That's actually how I met Y/n. She was also at the store at the crack of dawn and she tripped and face planted into her car door."

"I would also rather plow into a door than look at you." Travis cracked up. Laurence was about to say something but the lights on Y/n's machine lit up.

"Solid 500's, baby," she said as she turned around with a grin.

"Wow. I've never seen anyone do that before!" Dante commented.

"Nice job," Laurence added.

"What can I say? I'm just a master," she responded with a laugh. Laurence raised an eyebrow.

They went around to other games and played. Y/n was really good at most of them but Laurence beat her at about half of them. They were about to leave when Aph suggested going out to dinner. They all agreed and went to iHop.


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