Chapter 15

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"You guys got it?" I asked them. They both nodded in agreement.
The plan was simple: Travis would be our inside man-telling us where they all are and stuff. I would go jank up the locks so they couldn't get out. Laurance would set up some simple pranks. Those would be trip wire, bowl of water propped up on top of a door, those types of things. I would come back into the house via window and help Laurance finish the smaller things. Travis would then get everyone to exit a certain room and Laurance and I would flip all the furniture over or leave a creepy message. After they run out of the house, crying for their mothers, we would make everything back to normal.
  Travis went back in through the window and I tried to listen in on the conversation.
  "They aren't in her room." Travis said to the group.
"UHG where are they?! It's like they left.... the house. LETS LOOK AROUND THE NEIGHBORHOOD!" Katelyn yelled.
"Are you sure? Let's just look around a little bit more." Travis said.
"Fine. But not for too long." Katelyn said.
I soon got a text from Travis.
T: What do I do?!
Y: just let them leave. I think if we were to prank Katelyn again she would murder us in our sleep.
T: so I came up there for nothing?
Y: yeah pretty much
T: fine but you owe me
Y: why would I do that?
T: because I'm not telling them you're up there
Y: fine I'll give you 10 dollars
T: you are so cheap but fine
Y: ☺️
I put my phone down and told Laurance that I owed Travis 10 dollars. He laughed and we waited for everyone to leave. I saw them all walk down the street and Travis looked up. He gave me a thumbs up and kept walking.
"Coast is clear." I said, turning around.
Laurance and I went back down into my room. I went to grab the door that had fallen and grabbed some new hinges from the garage. I also grabbed a screwdriver because those work well on doors(hehehe).
Mini time skip
After I got done putting the door back on, I locked it and went over and sat next to Laurance on the couch. We started to watch f/a.
  "So I'm guessing you're gonna stay the night again?" I asked him.
  "Heheh, yeah I guess so. But you know we can't just hide in your house forever. Aphmau is bound to hold a sleepover." He answered with a small giggle.
  "Haha I guess you're right. But for now I'm getting tired." I said, getting up.
  "You're always tired." Laurance said while pulling me back down on top of him.
  "Which is why I should go to my bed." I told him while getting back up.
  "Fine. I'm not sleeping on the couch again." Laurance replied while following me upstairs.
"Then you can sleep on the floor." I said while walking upstairs.
  I went into the bathroom to get changed. When I came out Laurance was no where in sight. He might be on the floor somewhere.
I jumped onto my bed and fixed my pillows. I rolled over and saw Laurance coming into my room.
"The floor is not as good as your bed." He said while he crawled in bed with me.
"Fine." I sighed. There was no getting rid of him so I might as well let him stay. He smirked.
"Oh please. I know you want me here." He said sassily. I didn't reply cause I kind of did. He was comforting.
I pulled the covers over me and started to doze off but not before Laurance pulled me closer to him. Oh well. I'm too tired to fix this.
  I woke up with my head pressed us against Laurance's chest(<-666 words). I forgot that Laurance was there and I got scared so I punched him in the nose. That woke him up.
"OW Y/N WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" He yelled. He held his nose which I think was bleeding.
  He got up and went to the bathroom and I felt super bad. I just don't have good people skills I guess.
  He came back about 5 minutes later and gave me a look. Like a seriously-what-the-fuck look. I smiled nervously at him.
  "Please don't hate me." I said. He walked over to me and picked me up bridal style.
  "Nah. I could never hate you." He walked downstairs with me in his arms. He plopped down into the couch and turned on the tv.
  "So... Am I just gonna stay here?" I finally asked.
  "Yup." Laurance replied.
  "Can I at least make us breakfast?"
  "Fine." Laurance let me go and skipped to the kitchen. I decided to make French toast.
  I did all the French toasty things and I put the food on our plates. I went back into the living room and handed Laurance his plate and a fork. I sat down next to him and turned on f/a.
Time skip
  I was bringing out plates to the sink when c/n came out and nudged his/her bowl. I set the dishes down and got the food for c/n. He/she would not stop meowing the whole time.
  "Your cat is loud." Laurance said.
  "Yeah. He/she is just needy." I teased. It wasn't really teasing since the cat had no clue what I was saying but whatever.
"So I was thinking about getting Katelyn a gift for saying 'I'm sorry for scaring you.'"
  "We could do a cake." He offered. I got excited.
  "I love to bake!" I shouted.
  "No one can bake better than Kawaii~Chan." Laurance argued.
  "We'll have to see about that." I giggled.

Hello. So I realized I haven't posted on this for like 14 days....oops. But it's summer now so I'll post more because I don't have a life.
Word count: 1043

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