Chapter Twenty: Rescue?

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She wasn't going to lie, she didn't hate Brooklyn. It was beautiful. It...was beautiful. Could she say much else? It wasn't nice. It wasn't friendly. It wasn't comfortable. It wasn't her home. It wasn't Racetrack's home and she knew that. Brotherhood was different here. She could tell. Spot was an exceptional leader, but he wasn't Jack. He cared about his boys but also about himself. Jack knew what was really important. A soft breeze drifted through the air as she laid her head on her knuckles. The quiet waves gently splashed against the docks as she lost her way in her own thoughts. Without even realizing it she was on her feet; running. She passed Brooklynites as they went about their nightly routines and entertainment and scarcely conscious of what she was doing she made it to the bridge. She knew then what it was telling her. She had been here almost half a year and she still couldn't get used to it. She was soft. Weak. Useless. Race was distant. Did he love her anymore? She rarely got his attention anymore. Not to mention no one here talked to her and if they did they were rude. She wept for her home in Manhattan. She wept for her Race. She felt nothing...but too much at the same time. She leaned over. She climbed up. She felt the breeze quicken it's pace. The moonlight glimmered on the waves creating diamonds in the water.


"You'se don't wanna do dat."

She abruptly turned, almost losing her balance. Spot stood behind her, hands in his pockets and an unreadable expression.

"What do you'se know? Just leave me alone."

He smirked. "Can't see 'em. But there's rocks down there. Sharp ones. It ain't painless."

"Just go away."

"I'se don't think so doll face. Come down ya don't wanna do it."

He held out his hand. She hesitantly took it and he helped her hop off. She got a glimpse of his changed eyes.

"Race will be wonderin' where you went."

"No he won't."

He crossed his arms and smirked. "You'se is smarter than ya look. I'se thought you'se were the oblivious faithful wife type."

Her eyes widened. "Excuse me??"

"Ya know. Always at their fella's heels doin' whatever it takes ta 'make him happy' while the guy treats her like some kind of dog."

Her mouth flew open in shock at his bitter remark. He knew nothing about her.

"Don't look that way. Ya shouldn't be surprised."

"Who do you'se think you'se are??"

"I'se knows who I am, sweetheart. Whadda 'bout you'se?"

She said nothing as he started walking back. Then he stopped. He took her arm and pulled her away from the bridge and back to the warehouse. Race was already in his bunk asleep and she was about to kiss him goodnight but he pulled her past. She was taken upstairs. She thought she was going to her room.

She truly thought she was going to her room.

Priceless: A Racetrack Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now