Chapter Twenty-Eight: I Love You, Too

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Penny could hardly breathe. In front of her was a decision that could change her whole life. It should be a no-brainer. Why wasn't it?

"It's your choice doll face. I ain't tryin' ya complicate things. I'm just givin' ya options. I've seen people like you. They'se feel like they'se have no choice. In anything. They'se just follows whoeva they feel likes they can witout bein' shooed away. I'se knows betta. People like you needs choices. So they knows if they'se doin' what's right. If you feel nothing for me, fine. I'se just here ta say I feel something for you'se. And if you'se hesitatin', havin' a tough time ova there, or change ya mind, then maybe you should reconsider."

Race plunges his fist into the air before it's caught by Spot, saving his gut from a blow.

"None of dat."

"You lying bastard—"

"You're don't know nothin'. Why would I'se be here wastin' my time when I'se got otha things ta worry 'bout if I'se was lyin'."

Penny tried to read him like she had, but his eyes were dark and cold. Blank, once again. She knew nothing. She didn't know what she wanted. He took her mind and heart and twisted them every which way to the point where she was totally and utterly lost. She watched him nod to her as he saved himself from another blow, and turned around to walk back. Tears fell down her flushed cheeks as his shadow was all that she could see now. He didn't look back.

"Penny! You'se alright? It's ok it's ok he's gone now. You'se don't gotta be afraid."
Race hugged her tight and she nuzzled into his shoulder. "Look Penny you'se can't trust 'im. Just forget all 'bout this, ok? I'se lost you'se once and I'se not gonna to let dat happen a second time. I'se love you."
He hugged her even tighter. "I'se knows I'se a jerk but I'se hopes ya still love me."

" love you Race."

"Oh good. I'se so glad you ain't havin' any second thoughts."

"Of course not.."


Brooklyn was silent and still. Nothing in the night disturbed the quiet airs of the place. The water was washing in and out around the dark, dismal docks. The moon was grey and dull;the stars were black and cold. It was cool, and the diamonds on the waves were bright. Spot sat on the edge of one dock, skipping shooters on the water, making ripples in the calmest of nights. He stood suddenly, and slowly started toward her. He timidly put his hand to her cheek, and he carefully kissed her lips softly and smoothly. She pulled him toward her, deepening the kiss. It felt like making a deal with the devil, but she didn't mind.

She stirred. It was only a dream. A dream...that she wished was real. She looked over at Race, on the other side of the bed, sleeping soundly. She blew him a kiss and tiptoed out. She silently slipped outside, pulling on the rest of her clothes. She started strolling through the street, having no where in particular to go. But she found herself sprinting down familiar ways to the most feared borough in all of New York. At night. She saw Spot, in the distance upon his makeshift throne in the harbor. She heard the shattering of glass and the twang of his slingshot as she inched closer. He heard her. He spun around to shoot again, but immediately dropped his aim when he saw her face in the darkness.

"What are you'se doin' here?"

"Spot I need to know."

"Know what?"

"If you mean it. Really truly mean it."

He hopped down. He looked at her intently. His intense eyes lit up the darkness like two soft lamps. He laced his fingers through hers gently.

"Would I lie?"


"Has I'se ever lied to you'se?"


She trusted him, he thought. She thought he hadn't lied. Which he hadn't. But she still had faith in him. He lunged at her, gripping her with all of his might, but she was content. He kissed her again and again, knowing as soon as he lets go, she won't be his anymore. He caressed her figure and ran his fingers through her locks.

He kissed her neck. "What is happening?"

He looked up. "I'se not sure."

"I'm helpless." She said, shaking her head.

"Just say the word. Either I'm yours or you're his."

"I don't know anymore!"


"You said my name."


"You've never said my name before."

"I'se haven't have I?"

"No, never..."

She kissed him, softly at first, but then she hit him hard. He almost lost it then reigned himself in. He wasn't sure what to think.

"I..I uh.."

"Yes, Spot?"

"I love you'se, ok? I'se knows he's good. I'se knows he hurt ya but it's better now. Don't lose him just because I'se feel this way—"

"I love you, too."

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