Chapter 1

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My name is Kailey. I'm sixteen and a new transfer student from Florida. I recently just moved from my parents place and flew all the way out to L.A., now I'm all by myself.  

The whole class burst with many different conversations here and there. Barely anybody, nor did the teacher even notice me enter the classroom. It seemed that biology doesn't mean anything to these kids. The teacher on the other hand looked as if he gave up on the students. How could a perfect school, with a good reputation, have a classroom such as this? A teacher not caring and students not even paying attention to what has to be said. 

I sighed and walked towards the hopeless teacher's desk. Quickly grabbing his attention he shot out a "Oh another one" look. He sighed and told me to sit where ever a free seat may be. '.... he really doesn't care, does he?' I asked myself and scanned the room. There seemed to be no seats available at the moment. I sighed and looked through the room again. Nothing. All except for grabbing this one guy's attention. He had dark black emo hair, milk white skin, slim body, and hazel eyes. He was cute from my perspective. "Who're you?" He asked, somehow getting everyone to stare at me. 

"When did she get here?" His friend asked. He had pure white skin, a bottom lip piercing, dark green eyes, and had his hair dyed light blue. He was a bit cuter than his friend. The said boy shrugged his shoulders and stared straight at me. 

"She's cute." Another called out. 

"She looks like she could make a perfect match with Reed." A girl chuckled. My face started to heat up at that moment. Who's Reed?

I froze in place, staring wide eye'd at the class, who had their attention now on me. "Name?" The teacher asked, sounding as bored as ever. Everyone else on the other hand agreed and kept silent. I sighed, relaxing my mind and spoke without realizing it. "My name is Kailey and I'm from Florida." I was soon rewarded with "ooh's" and "aah's" from everyone. Hearing that made me feel like I was a new attraction at the zoo. 

"Sit here!" The boy with blue hair signaled and moved his feet off of an available seat. The class now began to ooh at the sudden command. Teasing him for offering me a seat. Since there was no other seat open at the moment, I walked over to him and the seat. A grin appeared on his face as I sat down, placing my bag near my feet. Soon after the class started to burst out into a huge mess of converstaions again.  

'Man...' I thought and stared at my lap. I was sitting with a group of guys I don't even know. Oh how awkward I felt at the moment. "Hey Kailey." The blue haired boy called out. I looked up and gasped. He had my backpack. Open and rummaging through it like it was for a scavanger hunt, "Why do you have a pad in here? Are you on your period?" He laughed and brought it out for the group to see. My heart started beating fast, my face heated up, and my body reacted on its own. In a split second I somehow snatched the pad and my backpack out of his grasp and found a stinging pain on my right hand.  

His face now jerked to the right, left cheek now red as mine, and the attention from the group and everyone in the class again.

I had slapped the first person who ever talked to me in the school and was now recieving a quick and horrible reputation. I had a right though. He was searching through my stuff wihout permission. "Kailey!" The teacher yelled. 

"Damn, what was that for?" The blue hair boy asked with a small smirk on his face. 


"Outside now!" He pointed. 

"No!" I blurted out, "He deserved it for going through my stuff without permission!"  

"Not cool new girl. Lying in front of everyone here-" 

"Shut up!" I intterupted, "How am I lying!?"  

"KAILEY!" The teacher yelled again. Instead of speaking, tears rushed out my eyes and my legs started moving. I ran out of class with my bag.

My legs carried me upto the roof. There's a huge gate surrounding the ends of the roof, preventing the students from ever commiting suicide. Sadly I wanted to do so. I left Florida for a reason and felt desperate enough to do anything to harm my body in anyway possible. Life sucked badly.  

That guy was a jerk. The teacher's stupid and the class believed the jerk's words... I think. Everyone's an idiot.

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