Chapter 2

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I felt sick. I didn't want to go to school today. I don't want to see his face right now. I need something to punch. Curled up into a ball on the couch, my head started to scan my apartment. Something that could be hit, not break and not easily hurt my hand later on. Pillows suck, couch hurts, vase easily breaks, the table might break into pieces, my bed would have a hole... ugh! There is nothing to punch!

Feeling irritated, I quickly fished out my phone from my pajama pocket and placed the earphones in. Unlocking my phone and selecting the music helped alot. In times like this, I'd usually listen to the band "Get Scared" and play their song "Hurt" first. This song would always calm me down. I closed my eyes and released a huge breath of air, that I didn't know I was holding.

Listening to this song... somehow gave me peace. Like I didn't need to worry about anything. The music was blasting in my ears. Nothing mattered at the moment. Nothing at all... only me handling my issues right now.

A couple or more hours passed by and the song was now switched to "Deepest Cut" by "Get Scared", my eyes slowly opened. I fell asleep? Since when? I don't remember sleeping at all.

Confused, I looked over to the digital clock on the table beside the couch. 4:32 pm. School must've been done. Probably an hour ago. Oh well. I could care less at the moment. I pulled off my earplugs, releasing the loud music.

"Up I see?" A familiar voice asked. My eyes popped wide open and my head jerked over to the end of my couch. The guy that made eye contact with me. How'd he get in? "I'm here to deliver homework, you left your front door unlocked, so I didn't get the chance to pick the lock." He laughed and handed me the homework. "I'm Eli by the way and that idiot from yesterday is Reed. Don't mind him though, he's really stupid."

"..." I couldn't say anything, other then agreeing with him.

One: I left my door unlocked by mistake, two: that jerk was Reed, and three: Eli came and entered my home without permission. Should I call the cops? No. He didn't violate me, nothing seems out of place, everything seemed normal.

I yawned and took the homework, staring straight at the two page packet. "This is easy. Pass me a pencil please." I said. Quickly enough I got the pencil and started on the homework. Within three minutes, the whole packet was done. Problems, and all were shown on the pages. Proof that I didn't cheat or need tutoring. Eli on the other hand was shocked. His eyes wide and jaw on the floor. With that, it gave me the slightest feeling that he's never witnessed someone finish a packet with five minutes or less. Then again, who hasn't?

I chuckled and handed his pencil back, "thanks." I said and placed the packet down, "Is that it? Nothing else?" I asked, recieving a slow no.

"How did you-?" He couldn't finish what he wanted to say. He was speechless.

"Um... well... I've been a rich child back then, so I recieved the best education money could buy. It seems that within a month, I would always turn things around and teach the teacher instead. My father said that I'm a prodigy." I answered. My answer seemed to shock him even more then he already is. Are prodigy's rare in that school? Or the fact that I'm a rich child that's living in a two bedroom apartment and not in some luxiorious mansion?

I hate big spaces. So much gone to waist. Even some of the rooms aren't used. They're just there for decoration, it'd be good enough if a few people stayed for the night. So instead, with all my money stashed away in my secret place and me being overly stubborn about big places, I decided to "rent" this apartment. But his question should either be, "You're rich? Why live here?" Or, "You're a prodigy!? You shouldn't be in school then, why stay here!?"

Okay the second one was pretty stupid. So there seems to be a 60 percent chance that the first one would be asked. He then opened his mouth, trying to let words escape him. Sadly nothing came out as he was trying to think of the right thing to say. After a few minutes of trying to process what I just explained to him and what I am, he finally let something out, "Prodigy? Rich? Why didn't you tell me? W-well you never knew me, so I guess it's understandable.... but... why are you living here if you're a rich kid?" Bingo.

I chuckled and told him a little about myself, likes and dislikes. Enough to keep him from asking those annoying questions I usually get from all my commonor friends. To be honest, I've always wanted to see what it's like to be poor. It seems awsome! Well..... considering the fact that they crave more then they need too.

Still, commonors rock! I love them, I don't get why rich folks dispise them. They do everything just for our sakes, create our homes, grow our food, and yet they don't really care. Well I do.

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