Chapter 16

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There was a knocking on the door. 'Reed...' I thought and walked to the front. I looked through the peep whole. No doubt about it. Reed was standing in the hall - with a... bag?

He was wearing his pajamas too. I quickly opened the door, "finally." He smiled and walked in.

"Explain." I commanded as I locked the door.

"The bag?"


"My parents kicked me out. I need a place to stay." He said and dropped the bag on the couch.

I was shocked. His parents kicked him out of his house, yet he's still calm. Isn't he devastated? Upset? Anything!? Why is he so calm?

Without thinking, I walked towards him, giving him a hug from behind. I felt so sorry for him. His parents... What're they thinking? Reed's body tended up at the sudden hug. I rested my head on his back. I could hear his heart and his breathing. I closed my eyes and let the silence take over.

He didn't say anything at all. He just stood there. Probably wondering why I'm doing this. Also he might be holding back his tears. I don't know. I think it would've been more comforting if I held him from the front.

"...Kailey... It's okay." He reassured, gently removing my arms that was wrapped around his body.

"I'm sorry. No matter how much of a jerk you are, you can stay here. I just have to set a bed in the spare room." I said in a low tone.

What could've happened? Why did he parents do such things? Kicking out their child. What if he had nowhere to sleep? He'd be homeless! I was so upset at his parents, even if they had a legit reason for kicking him out.

To be honest, I was just planning a movie and him going home right after that. Guess I have a new room mate.

In the morning, I woke up at around 5am. in the morning. Reed must still be sleeping. I set an air mattress in the other room.

It was dark, silent, and a bit creepy. I sighed and walked to the kitchen. There was eggs, hot dog and bacon. I could make both of us breakfast.

After I made breakfast, I set his plate on the table with a cup of coffee by the side. "Okay." I said and went to my room to get my stuff for the shower. Black skinny jeans, and a Black Veil Brides sweater. Underneath it was a white tank top. I smiled and got my towel.

The water felt so nice and warm. I felt so at ease. Like nothing could really bother me.

After the shower and getting dressed, I went to the kitchen, only to find Reed eating his food. He looked so... depressed. Almost like he was thinking of something that's been on his kind for quite some time. His parents maybe? "?" I questioned myself and looked at him a bit more.

His eyes... are sort of like James's eyes... what am I thinking? I must be imagining all of this. I shook my head left and right a couple of times and walked towards the seat across from him. He blinked a couple times out of his thoughts and stared straight at me.

"Hey..." He took another bite of his food.

"How're you feeling?"


"That's good to hear." I said, "It's Sunday. Wanna go somewhere or something?"

He swallowed the food in his mouth and thought for a bit. Slowly he shook his head.

"It's okay, I just wanna stay in for the day. You can go though." He said.

I looked at him with a concerned expression.

"Kailey?" He called out from the living room.

I was sitting on my bed watching MTV. I looked at my door and answered through the door, "yeah?"

No response.

"Reed?" I asked and got up from my bed.

Curious and a bit worried, I walked towards the living room. There was no Reed in sight.


"?" I walked to the kitchen area. Gasping in horror, I quickly grabbed the object from his hand and threw it in the sink. I held onto him tightly and slowly brought him to sit on the floor.

I didn't care if any stains got onto my clothes. "It's okay." I whispered.

He held onto me tightly and quietly sobbed.

Did it hurt that much? Where he had to lie to my face? I didn't want to say anything else besides that. I mean for God's sake, he was using my kitchen knife to cut himself! Multiple times! I haven't counted, nor do I really want to, but I could see there was more blood than a little from one cut. So it's multiple cuts in my perspective.

We stayed like that for who knows how long, part of my shirt was completely blood soaked, his arms kind of stopped bleeding and he seemed to stop sobbing. Feeling that this was a good amount of time, I slowly and gently moved myself from him, and stared straight into his eyes. My hands still resting on his arms.

"Reed..." I said in a calm tone.

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be. Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.

He nodded, and took a huge breath "I..."

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