Chapter 27

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A couple months passed by since that day. The day after that I was left with a tough decision.

Stay in L.A. with my friends and my little teaching job or move back to Florida.

I love L.A. I could be free and do whatever I want with less worries. I also love Florida because that's where I grew up and where I made my up and down memories.

My friends and family live out there, but I never really payed attention to them. The only friends I payed attention to was Tiffany, Chris, and James. No one else.

"Kailey?" A familiar voice rang in the room.

I didn't want to turn my head. My head was buried in my pillow anyways. Why move it when I just got comfortable?

"Kailey?" The voice repeated.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"Aren't you gonna come outside?"

"...I'm not sure..." I answered.

I'm just so... ugh people annoy me! A lot! I felt tears wanting to come out, eventually a few got the chance to escape onto the pillow.

"Kailey!!!!" Another familiar voice echoed through the room.

No surprise. Tiffany came into my room. 'Get out...' I begged.

"Come on it's nice outside!" She shook my shoulders.

'Get out....' I begged again.

I knew she couldn't hear me, it was in my head anyways.

"We could all hang out! You, me, Chris, an-"

"GET OUT!!!" I pushed her away.

She was just as shocked as I was. I didn't expect myself to do such a thing to her. Her expression made me want to cry even more. She looked hurt. Like she wanted to cry, but there would really be no reason for her cry. It's just a simple push and yell. Nothing else...

"What's... wrong with you!? Ever since you made your decision, you've completely changed!" She stood straight up.

Her hands formed as a ball ready to land on my face. Before anything else can go down, she dashed out of my room crying to herself.

My body felt a huge thump. I just got rid of my best friend right now... I could've handled the situation more better than I did now. Why'd I do that!? I'm so stupid!

More tears fell out of my eyes than ever.

"Why? What's wrong with me?" I clenched onto my head and looked down at my pillow.

One... two... four drops of tears. Many more falling onto the fluffy rectangular object.

"I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry!!!" I screamed.

I wasn't just referring to just Tiffany, I was referring everybody. Reed, Eli, mom, dad. Just everybody.

"I'm sorry...." I managed to say in between breathless sobs.

Why? I left for my parents sake. I moved to Florida, with Tiffany and Chris..... I left the only two guys I loved the most out of just a couple months of spending time with them.

I left Reed and Eli back in L.A. for my parents request!

I fucking hate this! I want to go back! I don't feel at home here at all! I'm not a teacher, I don't have my home anymore. Is it possible to go back!?

"Kailey...." My mother's voice echoed through the room this time.

"I don't want to talk...." I said.

"Ooh I know sweetie, it'll all get better." She reassured in a calming tone.

I shook my head "no! No it won't get better! Why did you guys want me back so bad!? I want to stay in L.A.!" I said.

It was silent. I can tell she was taken back from what I said. I don't want to stay here, mainly because everything here reminds me of James. I bet my parents, butlers and maids never discovered his clothing. I kept it well hidden in my drawer.

No it's not stuffed in the very back. You see there's a hidden compartment I installed with him one day. We thinned out this board and made sure it was the same type of shade as you see when you open and empty drawer first.

Next we placed every one of his spare clothes in each drawer. And placed the bored over it. Making sure each fold was the same level so the board is not crooked in anyway. And since we cut it to the point where you can't remove or even move the board by your fingers, we placed the thinnest hole underneath all the drawers, only led can move the board... if you move all my clothes out of the drawer first...

That's the only way you can ever get to his clothes. Other than that, they're well hidden within my drawers.

"Ooh baby, I know it must be very hard..." She rubbed my back.

"Extremely!" I said with an attitude.

I could tell she wanted to teach me a lesson on that by slapping my face, but she also knows better when I'm like this. I didn't even want to talk at all. I just wanted her to leave.

"You know... James wouldn't approve of this..." She said.

I gasped. How could she use James!? Especially for this!? Who in there right mind would use someone like this!?!? That's just plain wrong!!!

"Leave..." I said and left it at that.

At some point she left my room. I was alone again. I shooed my best friend, told my mom to leave, what else!? Fire a maid out of misery!? This is all just to much!


"Why?!" I whispered and looked up.

It was James with red eyes. His eyes were actually red as blood. He had a evil smile on his face. He seemed like he was enjoying my pain and suffering, or is that what I'm seeing? Is it really what I'm seeing? Am I just imagining things? I hope so.

He can't be that mad though, he should've forgiven me by now. He should've! Right!?


He said. "Babe... please..." I begged, while clenching my pillow, "I'm sorry."


'What!?' Just for a second there he had a concerned face. His angel face. I blinked a couple times to make sure I wasn't just seeing things. His smile was gone, the glow, his figure, everything. It was as if he was never there. Was he actually there? It's possibly the affect of being in this place again. "I WANT TO GO HOME!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

I hate my stupid decision! I hope my parents are fucking happy. I hope they feel terrible! I hope everyone heard it in this fucking mansion! I got up from my bed and started for my drawer. I'm leaving this place! I have to go back. ~stop~ a very light touch landed on my shoulder.

It just made tears run down my eyes again. I can't explain why! "I..." My legs felt weak.

Soon enough I fell to the ground with my head against the drawer.

"I.... leaving...." I said, slowly and carefully stood up.

Got my clothes and went to the closet for my suit case. A couple months in this place, it's so much. I miss them so much....

~Kailey...~ James voice rang in my head.

I don't get why he won't leave me alone! Why is he trying to help me!? Or even try and talk to me when he tried to hurt me in my dreams. It's so confusing. I want to go home.

Before I can do anything else, my phone vibrated.

I set the clothes down and reached for my phone.

From: Reed

Miss you Kailey, but your family needed you. Just know that me and Eli are friends again :) we're saving money to visit you!

My body and heart thumped. They're friends? Plus they're saving money to see me?

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