Chapter 4

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"Kailey, come on stay still!" Tiffany commanded. I laughed and smiled for the camera. A huge grin now drew onto her face. Why is she grinning? Following her gaze, I turned my head around and caught a kiss from none other than James. He slowly placed his arms around me and I slowly held onto his arms that now wrapped tightly around me. "Perfect!" She cheered and took the picture.

James ended the kiss and stared straight into my eyes, smiling like crazy. I laughed and leaned my forehead on his, "you're gonna pay for that." I said. 

"We'll see." Was all he answered and pecked the tip of my nose. His dark black hair shined bright in the light, making it look much darker than before. His caramel skin was well toned in the light, and his slim body was to die for. I was the luckiest girl in the world.  

"Jeez get a room you two! Things can end well over there!" Chris teased and threw a beach ball at the back of James's head. 

"F you Chris." James laughed. 

"Oh no, not me, that's Kailey's duty. I'm with Tiff." Chris smirked.  

"You're such an idiot!" Tiffany said, lightly punching Chris's chest. I laughed at the little show being put in front of me. Tiff stating the obvious, and Chris being the idiot he already is.  

A hand suddenly rested on my left shoulder, and a low voice whispered in my ear, "let's go now, they seem busy." James said. I nodded and left with him to the other side of the beach.

The other side was much more calmer. The waves washed back and forth on the shore, the birds flew here and there, and there were many shells out in the open. This beach was well hidden, so nobody could tell we were here. "Let's go swimming!" I pronounced. Dragging him along to the tip of the water. The cold salty sea brushed at the tip of our toes, it sent shivers up my body. It felt good. "Come on!" I urdged on. But... he kept resisting. 

"Kailey let's not. Something might happen." He said and tried pulling me back. What's wrong with him? Fine. "If you won't then I will!" I declared, forcably throwing his arm back to his side. I don't even know why I was getting mad, I don't even know what he said to set me off. I... I just... don't know what's wrong with me right now.  

Maybe it was just the urge to swim. I mean, it is a hot day after all. Maybe the heat was getting to me. That must be all.

When half of my legs entered the water, something was telling me to get out. '.... no. I'm going.' I thought and swam in the water that pulled me in. Why am I so stubborn? Why does James put up with me?  

I was feeling really awful. Almost like I forced my parents into doing something they don't like. James is just worried about me. I'm probably the worst girlfriend he ever had. "Kailey!" James yelled. My head slowly turned him. Since when was he so far? Why does the beach look like it's getting farther and farther away from me? "Get back here!" Tiffany cried out. How'd I get all the way out here? Wow, the sea does drag you in fast.  

Soon after James dropped in the water, quickly swimming his way towards me. "James?" I asked with a concerned tone.  

He was panting. Tired. "....What's wrong..... with you!?" He shouted, grabbing my left arm with a lot of force. His strength hurt me a lot.  

"Let go!" I said. 

"And let you get swallowed by the sea, I don't think so!" He retorted. 

"Let me be James! I could swim on my own!" 

"No it's to risky! I'm not letting you go, ever!" 

"James-" I was soon interrupted by a wave washing us down. Pulling us down into the deep. Waves!? Everything was now going black. My breath was leaving my lungs. Yet his grip still held on pretty tight.... to my body? He was hugging onto me. Making sure that I'm with him. Of course I'm with him, always and forever. I'd die with him.

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