Chapter 37

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Days passed since my arrival back in LA and already things were starting to get back into place. Reed begged me to let Joseph stay at my place for a couple nights... or months, not even considering the fact that Joseph had a home and wasn't kicked... nevermind. I sighed and asked Joseph if he was willing to stay for at least one night, he refused and left later on that day with Eli. I on the other hand just got dressed into my pyjamas and sat in the living room with a bowl of soup Reed cooked.

Surprisingly enough I got my job back as a teacher, I have my own apartment again. Matt and Seth were especially happy to see me back, even the students. They fired the other teacher who wasn't really doing a succesful job at keeping the students... organized and in tact. Even if I told them to not give him/her a hard time when I left.

It was almost summer anyways. I looked at everyone's grades in this class through the computer. So far barely anyone failed. I'm surprised at that.... I had confidence in them! Either that or the previous teacher got to stressed to the point where he/she never fixed their grades. "Alright alright." I said outloud "Of course I'm back!" Everyone clapped and cheered "but sadly it's almost summer and I wont get to teach very long until next year starts."

"Why'd you come back so late!?"

"It's gonna be boring..."

"How about a field trip!" From that one suggestion everybody sprung to life. When is it gonna happen? Where? All these questions shot at me like an arrow. Probably a field trip wouldn't be that bad after all. Since it's summer I'll let them decide. The majority of the votes will be where we're all going. I smiled looking at all of them as they talked to their friends and stuff about the field trip. Maybe the principal will approve of this. I... just don't know where to take them. "Okay!" I said "Any suggestions? Come line up and write on the board."

There were about four to five people who stood up and quickly walked towards the board. Anxiously waiting to put what they want down onto the board.

- Movies

- Downtown

- Amusement Park

- Beach

- Bowling

Someone quickly ran up and put "My room" on the board. There was a few people who laughed at the suggestion. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped. Half the class said yes "this really isn't a suggestion..." I laughed after and sadly erased the board for that.

They all sounded pretty fun. I wonder which one will be nominated the most out of all. I honestly wish they would choose something else instead of the beach... but whatever they choose I can't really go against. 'Please say amusement park!' I begged and smiled as they went back to there seats.

Okay so in this class there's a count of 37 students here, so I don't think it should be that hard.

"I'm sorry but I don't think I can say yes to that." He said regretfully. I told Reed I was gonna be home late due to some work at the school, Eli just went straight to his house.

"But why not? Don't you trust me and the students?" I asked. He expelled a long sigh, clapsing his hands together like we were in a business meeting.

"It's not that I don't trust you, which really I do. I just don't think that you'll be able to handle them."

"But I can handle them!" I protested "If I can get the whole class to actually do work in school, how can I not handle a bunch of people going on a field trip for at least a day?" He expelled another sigh. What I said should get to him like that. It's not that hard to do this. Really if I can do something as make them do a simple equation, then I can make and handle the way they act outside of school. "Fine. But it's going to take some time and money to make all of this happen."

"You don't have to worry about the money part... I can cover it." He looked at me with disbelief. 'How can you cover that?' Is probably what he's thinking. It's pretty obvious anyways. No one can really believe a teenage girl can cover the money for this feild trip. It sounds like a stupid bluff any kid would say just to get what they want anyways.

I looked off to my right, not wanting to look at him with his disbelief. If I'm able to live on my own, a long with my best friend who doesn't have to pay for rent, I can pay and handle watching 37 teenagers at the field trip. I'm independant. Not that anybody has ever said I wasn't at all. I am.

I crossed my arms across my chest, my eyes still looking to the right. It felt like an iternity has passed by in that office, who knows... the kids might've graduated already! Okay... to far with that, but it felt like it! A long and massive sigh escaped his mouth before expelling words "where are you even taking them anyways?" He asked. I thought back to the voting in class earlier. Twelve for the Amusement park, then for movies only nine voted, thirteen for beach, and one for bowling. Just to make it fair for everybody, while they were voting I had them place their heads on their desks so there wont be any votes on embarrasment. "We're going to the beach..." I answered softly. The beach... huh... they really want to go there for their field trip before their summer break starts.

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