Chapter 12

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I couldn't believe what I read last night. I mean it should be normal, but it's hard! She and I were like sisters. But every time I saw her or even talked to her.... She would always remind me of James....

I didn't even have the nerve to text her back... It sucks. Usually I'd reply, but like I said I couldn't...

Instead I told Eli about this and he suggested meeting on the roof at school during lunch today. I didn't complain, so I did what he instructed.

The bell rung and no teacher was in sight. As I entered the class, everybody was seated and... Quiet. "Hm..." I quietly said to myself.

I over looked the class and found a very surprising person right next to Matt. "Good evening Ms. Watson. I assume you're doing well."

"Principle Renolds?" I asked "What're you doing here?"

He stood up from my 'former' seat and started walking towards the board. I followed where he was going with my eyes and found something very shocking.

Ms. Watson, you're new teacher!

'What the hell!?!?' I asked myself. Teacher!? What the hell happened to the old teacher-the one who didn't give a crap!?!?

My mouth was dropped to the ground. I was so speechless. Everybody started to chuckle at my reaction. I felt like I walked into a surprise party, and it wasn't my party while everybody jumped out of their hiding spots. Or something like that. "Congratulations Kailey. Enjoy your class." He smiled and strutted off into the hallway.

"Class...?" I asked and stared at everyone else.

Was my life really going to be like this? Being a new teacher, teaching kids new things that they need to know? And still trying to avoid anything or anyone from Florida?

"Okay?" I awkwardly said and slowly walked to the board. "Who did their homework?" I asked.

Surprisingly half of the class raised their hands. I smiled and said to turn it in. For those who didn't do it will just have to work on a couple more problems in today's lesson to make it up.

The bell rang, it hit lunch. I started to make my way to the roof top, when a group of guys stopped me. "Hey you're Kailey right? That new teacher and student?" One of them asked.

I nodded. They had these uncomfortable and untrustworthy smiles on their faces. I felt like I had to run. 'But the roof is that way! If I go now, Eli will be left alone on the roof and he'll think I flaked out on him' I thought to myself.

"Listen guys, I'd love to stay and chat, but I have to go-"

"Where are you goin?" One interrupted.

"Don't you wanna be greeted the way we greeted the other teachers?" Another asked.

"It'll be fun!" The last one laughed.

I sighed and pushed them out of my way.

"Hey! Where're you going!?" The first one asked.

"I don't have time for your bull shit guys." I said, walking down the hallway some more.

I really didn't. If they wanted to start trouble, I could finish them off with one hand behind my back, and with a blind fold. There's a lot of things I did when I lived in Florida. So I know how to take care of myself just fine. Thanks to my parents... My mom did the most, while my dad worked...

On the roof, Eli had a smile on his face as he saw me. It seemed to be so... Happy. Yet it looked as if he didn't really want to be here. I guess it's understandable. He might've had an invite to something or even planned on hanging with the group for lunch. Who knows. He might've even had a mini date! I think I ruined it then. I feel so guilty.

"So that's why you moved here..." Eli said.

We were sitting on the ground in the very corner of the roof. Since there was a gate surrounding the roof, I decided to lean on it a bit.

"Am I the only one who knows about this?"

"Yes." I answered.

I couldn't trust much people, let alone I talk to anyone beside Eli and Reed. They're the only people I really talk to. Eli the most. I just wanted to go die in a hole for re-telling my story. It hurt to even say a word. The thought of James drowning and the memory of my last kiss. It all hurt me so much inside. "Mm! You're crying..." Eli pointed out.

I felt arms wrap around me. I'm not crying. Right? Please tell me I'm right. I mean, I have Eli hugging me out of sorrow. I opened my mouth to protest-but nothing would want to come out. You can barely make out any words.

"Shh. It's okay." He pulled away and wiped my tears from my face. His thumb was wet. They're... Tears.

I looked straight at him. He looked straight at me. His eyes... His hazel brown eyes. They're so beautiful. I don't know what he was thinking but, he's very...-within a split second, I realized we were only mere inches apart. "Eli...." I whispered.

"Kailey...." He whispered and leaned in a bit more.

His soft lips were on mine. We were kissing and I let him kiss me.

The door suddenly opened at the same time a voice was heard, "yo Eli I made it-"

He pulled away from me as fast as he could and shot his head to the door. I looked over as well. It was Reed, along with Matt and Seth.

"Reed!" Eli said.

"...BASTARD!!!!!" Reed yelled and ran towards Eli.

Eli got up and ran towards Reed. One punch, two. It just didn't stop. Matt and Seth pulled the two away, suffering a few accidental punches. "You knew I liked her!" Reed yelled.

"You knew I liked her dumb ass!" Eli yelled back.

"I can't believe you two!" I shouted.

All of them stopped and looked at me. I was shaky. I felt like my legs would give out on me any second, but I stood my guard. Instead of saying anything, they just stared.

I'm the cause of another argument and another possible disaster. "Get to class." I said and ran off.

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