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I didn't feel well. I mean, not in a physical way, but in a mental way. None of this was right. Why is a demon helping Sam. There must be a reason. But I let it go. I texted Sam my room number and went out to eat, which was hard enough on its own, but worse now. I ended up just eating the fries.

And I was rudely interrupted by a hand reaching down and picking up my hardly touched bacon burger. "Aw, gross. You like you're burger plain?" The voice was familiar. And the face even more so. Dean.

I pulled my knife on him and gave him a pretty good cut on the forearm. No burning. That was unexpected. At least no one is paying attention. "Kay, it's alright. It's me." He sat down opposite of me, holding the cut.

"No you're dead." I said and unscrewed the flask of holy water, quietly.

"Yeah, I was. I don't know what happ-" holy water in the face. No burning, "Happened," he paused, "I'm not a demon."

"Okay, then what are you." He's passed the tests so far.

"I'm me, Kay." I was still unconvinced, "You're name is Kaylee, you started hunting because of your sister, you have two brothers." He was trying to make a point.

"Okay." I calmed down, trusting him a little more, and stood up, "Come here." He stood too, and expecting a hug, held his arms open. I ignored it and moved his lip up, revealing his gums, but no fangs. Good. I pulled in and hugged him hard, "I missed you." I whispered.

"Yeah, I know." What a prick.

"What's going on?" I asked as I pulled back.

"I don't know." He was scared, obviously.

"Well, sit down. I'll buy you a burger." We sat back down a he ordered, "Sam know you're back?"

"Yeah, just came from there." He gave me an unusual smirk, started in on his burger, and ordered some beers for us.

Soon we ended up at the bar, drinking like we did before I left. We were having a good time and before long, we were both wasted. "Kay?"

"Yeah?" I smiled at him.

"What's the rest of your name?"  He slurred his words a bit.

"Why?" I was such a happy drunk.

"I dunno. Why not?"

"Maybe it's a little embarrassing." I smirked.

"Yeah, whatever." He sipped his beer, his 9th tonight along with a few other types of alcohol.

I was now a little loopy and it was time to stop or the hangover would be absolutely horrible, "Let's go home." I stood, almost fell, and tugged on his jacket.

"Alright. Alright." He stood with a bit more grace and walked outside to the car. It was good to see he had the Impala back. When we got close he called me over, "Wait, come here a second."

I followed direction, "Yeah?"

He grabbed my elbow and leaned down, as if to kiss me. I pushed him back, "You're drunk. Let's just go home." I said and got into the passenger side.

He looked slightly guilty, but got us to the hotel safely. He walked up the stairs to my door, barely. I was kinda worried he wouldn't get home, "Why don't you crash here?"

"Are you inviting me in?" He smirked drunkenly.

"No, I'm inviting you to sleep on the couch." I joked back.

He laughed, and came inside. He took off his shoes and, forgetting what I'd said, basically nose dived onto the only bed and fell asleep instantly. What an ass. I didn't care all that much and, after I changed into sleepwear, got into bed too.

It was nice, until about an hour after I'd fallen asleep. He'd cuddled up to me and was encasing me in him. My claustrophobia was acting up and I couldn't help but heavily struggle, "Dean, move over!" I didn't mean to be that loud.

But it woke him up, "What? What?" He was freaking out with me.

"Quit cuddling me," I said and took to my side of the bed, "and take off your jacket. It's annoying."

"Okay, I'm sorry." He stripped himself of his jacket, over shirt, and belt.

"There's some shorts in my bag you can borrow. They'll fit you." I mentioned; he ignored it. He got into bed and stuck to his side for the rest of the night.

The morning was bad. The light was too bright. My head was pounding. I hate this part. Dean was up and had left already. Those guys got up way earlier than I did, any day of the week. I got up, got dressed, and walked over to Sam's room. They were eating breakfast when I got there with someone else; the demon was gone. "Hey." I let myself in.

"Hey, got you breakfast." Dean offered, holding up a paper bag.

"Hash browns?" I asked before I took the bag.


"No weird spices?" I was picky, what can I say.

"Nope." He shook the bag at me.

I took it and looked inside. Hash browns with an English muffin, "Thanks." I said and turned my attention to the man, "You're Bobby, I assume?"

"Yes, ma'am." We shook hands and I took a seat on the ground by the table, which was full of important looking stuff. I looked through the bag and pulled out the muffin.

"On the floor? Really?" Dean seemed surprised.

"Yeah..? Problem?" I asked and continued eating.

"Whatever." Dean shook his head, just as we caught Sam giving us looks, shaking his head, and laughing silently, "What?"

"Nothing." He tried to conceal his smile.

"No. What?" I pressed.

"It's just, you'd think after last night, you two would be a bit, you know, nicer to each other?"

Oh, god. "Why? What happened last night, Sam?" I asked, "Other than Dean getting drunk and stealing my bed." I posed a sarcastic smile.

"Yeah, Sam?" Dean joined.

"Oh, sorry. Thought you had something else going on." That was Sam's only defense.

"Well, make sure next time, huh?" Dean looked genuinely unhappy with Sam.

"Why'd you think that anyway?" I wondered.

"What?" He didn't understand.

"Why'd you think we were a thing? Other than him staying with me last night." I stuffed my face and looked up at him, expectant.

He huffed, "Well," He looked between us like it was obvious, but I waited patiently, "You two... are close. I mean you've always been pretty comfortable with each other."

"Oh, so by that basis, I could say that you two have an incest thing?" His response wasn't good enough.

"What, no!" They both said at the same time.

"So, think before you assume next time. Okay?" I gave a friendly smile, stood, and threw out my trash, "I'm gonna go get some coffee. You guys want anything?"

"No, thanks." Sam said. Dean shook his head.

"Black coffee, please." Bobby said. I left to the nearby store and got a cup of coffee for me and Bobby, and a snack for later.

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