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When I got back, the guys were discussing Dean's return to life, "You think I made a deal?" Sam said as I walked in the door.

"That's exactly what we think." Bobby grumbled.

"He didn't. Right, Sam?" I butted in.

"No, I didn't." Sam said defensively.

"I don't believe that." Dean narrowed in to Sam, "You think you can just trade places with me, is that it? I didn't want to be saved like that." He grabbed Sam's shirt, "There's no other way that this coulda gone down. Now tell the truth!"

"I tried everything, that is the truth!" Sam wasn't yelling or raising his voice, he just sounded really mad, "I tried opening the Devil's Gate. Hell, I tried to bargain, Dean, but no demon would deal, alright?" He took a breathe and relieved a little tension, "You were rotting in hell for months. For months! And I couldn't stop it, so I'm sorry it wasn't me, alright." I felt like I was intruding and shouldn't be here. This was kinda a personal thing between brothers and non of my business, "Dean, I'm sorry."

Dean was convinced. He nodded, "It's okay, Sammy. You don't have to apologize, I believe you."

"Who brought you back then? I mean, no offence or anything." I asked.

"It's a good question." Dean looked for help in his brother's eyes, but found none.

"Yeah," Sam agreed and went to the kitchen to them all a beer (I don't drink in the morning). He took his seat on the bed and Dean found a chair. I sat on the ground again, this time next to Bobby, by the window.

"So, what were you guys doin up here, if you weren't poking at my grave?"

Didn't know Dean was buried here. "Well, once I found out I couldn't save you, I started huntin down Lilith. Tryin to get some pay back." Sam said, the sound of bottle caps coming off from all three of the men, "And I'm sorry, Bobby. I shoulda called. I was pretty messed up."

Dean went to sit by Sam on the bed, and picked up a bra off it, "Oh, yeah. I really feel your pain." I smirked quietly and stole Dean's previous chair.

Sam scoffed and continued, "Anyways, I was checking these demons in Tennessee and outta nowhere they took a hard left, and booked up here. So I stopped and went to get Kay, before making my way here."

"When?" Dean asked.

"Yesterday morning."

"When I busted out." Dean mentioned.

"Are they here for you?" I asked.

Dean did a cocky shrug. "But why?" Sam asked.

"I don't know. Some badass demon drags me out, and now this? Must be connected somehow." Dean said.

Bobby gave Dean a look, "How you feelin, anyway?"

He thought about it, "I'm a little hungry."

I smirked again. Course you are. "No, I mean, do you feel like yourself? Anything strange or different?" Bobby asked.

"Or demonic?" Bobby shrugged, "Bobby, how many time I gotta prove I'm me?" Seems annoying.

"Well listen. No demons' lettin you loose outta the goodness of their heart. They gotta have somethin nasty planned."

"Yeah, well, I feel fine."

"Okay, look. We don't know what they're planning. We gotta pile of questions and no shovel." Sam said.

"We need help." I said suddenly, after listening to this all with very little input.

"There's a psychic. Few hours from here. Something this big," Bobby shook his head as he spoke, "Maybe she's heard the other side talkin."

"Hell yeah, it's worth a shot." Dean was all in.

"I'll be right back." Bobby stood, probably gonna make a call to the lady. I stood too, wanting to give the guys a little privacy, and went to the balcony to take in some sun and finish my coffee.

The guys packed up their stuff in the next hour and we carried our stuff to the car to leave. "She's about four hours down the interstate." Bobby declared as he got in his car, "Try to keep up."

It in the back seat, as usually and stepped on something I didn't recognize at first, but remembered what it was, "Hey, there's an iPod back here."

"It's mine." Sam said, and took it from me.

About an hour later, the guys started talking about the night Dean died. They said something about Lilith and how she had tried to kill Sam, but her powers were too weak, and how she ran away after. I listened but didn't talk. Then Dean asked about Ruby, and to my utter surprise, Sam lied and told him he didn't know. I would have spoke up, but I decided I'd talk to Sam about it later. Then Sam lied again about his powers against demons, that he didn't use them. I, again, stayed quiet.

We got to her place at about 1:30 pm. She seemed happy to see Bobby and he introduced the boys. He presented her as Pamela Barnes. She seemed surprised when she saw me, like she hadn't expected me, "Hello?"

"Hey, Kay." I introduced myself and shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you. Come on in." She lead us through the door and she and Bobby started talking about the thing in question. She said how nothing knew anything and how she wanted a seance to get a look at it like a "crystal ball without the crystal".

Pam started setting up the table and Bobby and I closed the blinds. Behind me, at the table, Dean started flirting with her. Geez, take a break will ya. "Could you not try to get with everything that moves? At least not around me? It's kinda gross." I joked when I was done and sat at the table.

"Don't worry, I'm in control." She said, playfulness in her eyes.

Once the seance started we had to hold hands, which was no biggy. Then she said she needed something the thing touched and I freak a bit cause I certainly didn't have anything. Then Dean lifted his shirt sleeve to reveled a big hand print burned into his skin. I didn't notice that yesterday night. Sam was surprised as well. She put her hand over the mark and started repeting the same line over and over, "I invoke, conjure and command you. Appear unto me before this circle." Within seconds, things started happening. The tv switched on, the table started shaking. Then something changed, "Castiel? No. Sorry, Castiel, I don't scare easy." She said.

"Castiel?" Dean asked.

"Its name. It's whispering to me. Warning me to turn back." She said, "I conjure and command you, show me your face. I conjure and command you, show me your face." She repeated those lines over and over.

The table shook more violently, "Maybe we should stop." Bobby said.

"I almost got it!" She said and kept going. The candle's fire grew to extremely abnormal height and she started screaming. Her eye's growing with a pure white light. She's screaming. I don't know what to do.

But a few seconds after it started, she collapsed and Bobby shouted to call 911, so I did in the other room. Bobby road with her to the hospital. Dean and Sam wanted to go get something to eat, but they agreed to drop me at a motel first so I could catch my breath. I hated shit to do with eyes. It's a phobia and they understood. I checked in with Bobby and the others after a shower and some tv surfing. Pam was stable and the guys were on their way back.

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